H.O.P.E. | Honoring Our Pandemic Experiences

过去的两年对我们约翰·霍普金斯医学院的每个人来说都是一段不可思议的旅程. 福祉办公室汇集了JHM的合作伙伴,创建了H.O.P.E. (Honoring Our Pandemic Experiences).  H.O.P.E. is a series of JHM-sponsored events 利用艺术、创造力和反思来处理我们的流行病经验.

Throughout 2022, join your colleagues for concerts, a photo contest, storytelling workshops, lectures, and more. 

Additional H.O.P.E. Events

和你的同事一起参加面对面或虚拟的音乐会, webinars, storytelling workshops, lectures, and more.

See past and upcoming events

H.O.P.E. Staff Stories

郊区医院医师助理茱莉亚·格罗斯曼在疫情期间为他人编织口罩. 了解她的创意项目如何帮助她在不确定的时间里放松和缓解压力.

Julia Grossman Staff Story

Physician Assistant
Suburban Hospital
Pandemic Activity: knitting masks/gardening

I have always been a positive person, 修理东西或者只是让它们变得更好给了我很大的满足感. 这也是我成为一名医疗保健提供者的部分原因. 作为一名在外科和创伤服务部门工作的医师助理,我每天都要这样做. I learned how to sew as a child, 我和其他同事一起制作所需的东西, and not available, at the beginning of the pandemic. Although resources were limited, 我的藏物里有足够的布料给家人和朋友做面具, 特别是对于几个孩子来说,为了和父母一起出去,他们需要更小的尺寸.

至于编织和种植花卉和蔬菜(许多是从种子), I have done these things for many years. Hands in wool or alpaca, or soil, is very relaxing, 把一团纱线变成一顶帽子是一种快乐, or a seed into a pepper, cucumber or beautiful flower bed. It was also fun to give some of these things away.

See Staff Stories

H.O.P.E. Pandemic Playlist

音乐带给我们娱乐和灵感,在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,音乐将我们团结在一起. The Office of Well-Being, in partnership with Peabody Institute, 在过去的两年里,分享那些振奋我们精神、帮助我们找到人生意义的歌单,你兴奋吗.

Some songs may evoke strong emotional reactions; we invite you to keep listening or stop listening, tending to self as needed.


Video Gallery

When the Dust Settles

At Johns Hopkins Medicine, 我们相信艺术可以帮助我们处理和理解我们的经历, and feelings of grief and loss. 参与协作、创造性的活动可以促进联系、社区和福祉.

Kassim Alli-Balogun

Kassim Alli-Balogun, a home care nurse with Johns Hopkins Homecare Group, 在疫情期间,通过制作宠物视频,让他的推荐十大正规网赌平台脸上露出笑容. 这些视频有助于让推荐十大正规网赌平台在不确定的时期感觉更舒服.

H.O.P.E. — Employees Share Healing Activities

约翰霍普金斯大学的麻醉师和重症监护医师奥利维亚·萨顿在大流行期间最不寻常的地方看到了美:药瓶盖. “在整个大流行期间,我开始保存我给推荐十大正规网赌平台服用的每种药物的彩色瓶盖, 把它们组装成我在手术室里的马赛克自画像,让我想起我们都经历过的事情,” she says.

Honoring Our Pandemic Experiences (H.O.P.E.)

Kevin W. Sowers, 约翰霍普金斯医疗系统的总裁和约翰霍普金斯医学的执行副总裁分享了H.O.P.E.

March, An Original Poem

我们正在寻找方法来反思过去一年发生的事情, many of us have turned to writing, music, art and other creative mediums. Watch a video to hear Mia Scharper, 约翰霍普金斯国际医药公司的公关经理, read her poem, March, 由皮博迪研究所大提琴家林赛·钟伴奏.

We want to hear from you!

  • My H.O.P.E. story

    我们邀请您分享您参加任何H.O.P.E. 事件、活动或分享您在大流行期间的经历.

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H.O.P.E. Team

The H.O.P.E. 倡议由约翰霍普金斯大学幸福办公室牵头,与以下机构合作:

Contact Information

Office of Well-Being


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