Small Grants for Well-Being

福利小额赠款计划的设立是为了向约翰霍普金斯医学院(JHM)的教职员工提供财政支持,以开发和实施减轻压力和提高工作生活质量的举措, which is necessary to create a collaborative, healthy work environment.

View the list of well-being projects

These Stories Will Encourage and Inspire You


tracy lowrey headshot

Danie Noble, R.N.

Practice Administrator
JHCP at Howard County Pediatrics

Small Grants Project: 在工作之外提供以艺术为基础的团队建设活动

Tell us about your project, what excited you the most; what are you most proud of? 
I applied for the grant to do an art project with my team; basically, to take them to an art studio where we can do art together as a team to get out of the office; do something relaxing that didn’t require brain power and enjoy each other’s company. There are 20 people on my team.




Did you receive a grant?

Hello all grant recipients, 感谢大家参与福利办公室的小额赠款项目! Submit your final grant report here. Due by Sep 30, 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions