Core Equipment

illustration of a telescope

Do you need new or replacement equipment for your core facility? 我们在约翰霍普金斯大学的研究任务之一是利用约翰霍普金斯医学院的资源来加速合作, innovation, quality and impact of all research. 获得尖端技术、设备和专业知识对这一使命至关重要. 请使用下面的链接,以帮助您更好地了解获取设备的过程. 还有一个有用的指南,指导你在决定购买或租赁新设备时应该考虑什么.

On this Page:

Process for Obtaining New Equipmentxt in field]

Should I Purchase or Lease Equipment?

Should your research core facility purchase or lease equipment? The answer depends on your situation. 当资金有限或研究中心需要每隔几年升级一次的设备时,租赁设备可能是一个不错的选择, 虽然购买设备可能是一个更好的选择,建立核心或设备有很长的, usable life.

When you start narrowing down the type of equipment your core facility needs, 彻底考虑租赁和购买的利弊是个好主意. 在某些情况下,一种选择的成本效益可能大大超过另一种选择.

After reviewing the information below, please contact Debbie Newlon in the Purchasing department to discuss your specific needs. The department will partner with you to negotiate the best purchase price, leasing terms, 代表您和您的研究核心设施的利率和服务水平协议.


  1. An operating-type lease 在哪里,大学在租赁结束时将不拥有设备,并且每年巴尔的摩市的个人财产税发票将被收取,作为转嫁给大学的费用. 根据租赁公司的所在地,其他税费也可能适用. 在租赁结束时,您可以选择拥有、升级或更换设备. 如果您决定在租期结束时购买,您将负责支付设备的公平市场价值. 
  2. A capital-type lease 不受巴尔的摩市个人财产税的约束,因为约翰霍普金斯大学将在租赁结束时拥有这些设备,通常花费1美元.00.

Leasing is just the finance arm. 维修是单独购买的,由制造或销售设备的公司处理. Lease term should match the expected useful life of the equipment.

The core facility should be aware of the lease term end date. Notification to the leasing company needs to be ninety (90) days prior to the end of the lease terms. 租赁公司需要为租赁结束和可能的展期条款做好准备,这些条款可能适合也可能不适合您的具体情况.



  • 租赁对于需要经常更新的设备来说是好的,因为你可以更容易、更快地获得更新的技术. Leasing allows businesses to address the problem of obsolescence. If you lease to obtain equipment that may be outdated in a short period of time, such as high-end instrumentation where there are rapid changes in technology, a lease passes the burden of obsolescence onto the lessor. You are free to lease new, higher-end equipment after your lease expires, and you won’t be stuck with outdated equipment.
  • Even though there may be more upfront expense, 这将使您在较长一段时间内为其他设备保留资本资金和预算.
  • 租赁是灵活的,当涉及到你得到的设备类型时,提供了更多的选择.
  • With leasing, you pay for maintenance directly to the manufacturer. For routine maintenance or unexpected repairs, 核心或承租人将直接联系制造商进行服务或维修. 维修服务是从设备供应商处获得的,而不是租赁公司. The leasing company is only the finance arm.


  • 租赁通常要比你预先购买设备支付更高的费用. Lease agreements require interest to be paid as part of the lease payments. Procurement can help find the best interests rates, 这有时涉及到原始设备制造商以外的公司.  Keep in mind that increased costs will directly affect your chargeback rates.  Will you be able to cover your expenses through your revenue?
  • Since you don’t own the equipment, it gives you absolutely no equity. Depending on the type of lease agreement, you may not have the option to sell the equipment once you are finished with it. Your potential to recover costs through selling can be limited.
  • The length of lease terms may be longer than you need. 租赁协议要求您在协议期内支付并保留一件设备.  This may result in wasted funds and space. 这对于您可能需要短时间且可能没有存储空间的大型设备来说尤其困难.



  • Buying the equipment outright, you can make any alterations necessary . 购买科学设备最明显的好处是你获得了它的所有权. This is especially true when the property has a long, 有用的寿命和不太可能在不久的将来变得技术过时.
  • You have the option to sell the equipment when you are finished with it, allowing you to recover some of the cost.
  • You do not pay finance or interest charges. When you make a capital purchase, the University will pay for the equipment.  The equipment is then depreciated over its assigned life expectancy.  基本上,这意味着核心将在预期寿命期间按月偿还大学.  请记住,指定的预期寿命通常比租赁协议长得多.  这将意味着更低的成本,这将更容易通过你的退款恢复.  购买更容易,因为你通常不需要处理冗长的协议和合同, but rather the simple purchasing/pricing agreement. Most of the time, once you’ve decided what you need, 你可以从合适的供应商那里得到报价,这对于易于存储的小型设备和使用寿命长的设备来说非常有效. Please contact Supply Chain if you have additional questions.  
  • For more information on capital purchases please contact Fixed Assets.


  • 如果你购买的技术很快就过时了,你就会被它困住,因为你拥有它. 作为一个核心设施,你必须做出是否继续使用这些设备的商业决策, repair it, store it or sell it.
  • 服务协议/保修延期可能需要采购部门对条款和条件进行协商和审查.

If you decide to purchase, see the Purchasing Questionnaire and the Process for Obtaining New Equipment.

Trade In, Sell or Dispose of Equipment

Vendor often offer trade in opportunities when equipment upgrades are pursued.  如需更换、出售或处置设备,请填写 C824 form. The vendor’s quote must explicitly indicate the trade-in amount and information.