Pediatric Medical Psychology Program

儿科医学心理学项目为学习障碍儿童提供广泛的评估和治疗服务, behavior, psychosocial and medical problems. Learn more about the services we provide, our research, our training opportunities, our expert team 教职员工,以及一些对推荐十大正规网赌平台和家属有帮助的网站链接.

初次预约或了解更多信息,请致电我们的患者协调员 410-614-2401.

Psychological Assessment Services

Many children are experiencing learning, 难以理解和治疗的行为或情绪问题. 儿科医学心理学项目提供评估服务来帮助父母, 教师和心理健康提供者阐明了造成青少年教育和心理问题的因素. 评估方法使用最先进的评估工具,提供一个客观的评估儿童的认知, neuropsychological, academic, personality and psychiatric characteristics. 这些评估将有助于诊断学习障碍, psychiatric disorders, developmental disabilities and neurological problems; however, 评估过程还将产生建议,其中包括最适当的循证治疗.

Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatments

在过去的十年中,对患有情绪和行为问题的儿童和青少年的心理治疗的研究基础大大扩大了. Our staff utilizes the treatment approaches with the strongest research support; accordingly, 儿科医学心理学项目提供的治疗服务包括各种认知和行为干预. 我们治疗表现出一系列精神障碍的儿童和青少年, including: Mood, Anxiety, Tic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Attention (i.e., ADHD), and Conduct/Oppositional disorders.  有关循证心理健康治疗的更详细说明,请参阅以下链接:


Services for the Medically Ill

患有医学疾病的儿童可能会有与他们的医学问题相关的行为或情感问题. In many cases there are behavioral, psychological, 影响儿童配合有效管理其医疗服务的重要程序的能力的社会和环境因素. Therefore, 我们的心理工作人员会经常使用各种行为技术来提高医疗的有效性.  In the process, the psychologist will work with the patient, 家庭成员和医务人员处理各种与医疗有关的问题. 除了治疗使医学治疗复杂化的行为和情感问题, psychologists can help with pain management, compliance with medical procedures, 减轻压力和影响推荐十大正规网赌平台护理的家庭互动. 以下链接可以找到对多种病症和/或疾病的循证治疗的更详细描述: Society of Pediatric Psychology Evidence-Based Practice 

What is pediatric medical psychology?

儿童医学心理学家接受过评估和治疗影响儿童医疗状况的行为和情感因素的培训. 这些专家与儿童和家庭合作,促进健康的行为. 他们经常与医生、护士、家长、老师和社会工作者一起工作. 医学心理学家可以在住院部与儿童和家庭一起工作, 在儿科专科诊所(如心脏病学或肿瘤学), or with families on a follow-up basis.
Common concerns that a medical psychologist can help with:

  • Coping with a new or existing medical diagnosis
  • Parent and sibling stress and coping
  • Distress with medical procedures, such as blood draws
  • Coping with pain and other physical symptoms
  • Problems taking medications
  • Sleep problems
  • Anxiety, worries, and fears
  • Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts
  • Difficulty following directions or acting out
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Problems learning or paying attention in school
  • Concerns with feeding/eating or toileting
  • Transition from pediatrics to adult care

When should parents seek help from a medical psychologist?

疾病对孩子和家庭来说是一种压力. Seeking help from a medical psychologist is a good idea when:

  • 应对或行为阻碍了孩子的医疗
  • 孩子的身体状况会导致自尊或人际关系方面的问题
  • A child appears sad or withdrawn most of the time
  • 一个孩子在与其他孩子互动或上学方面有困难
  • 在医疗程序之前、期间或之后,会有很多痛苦或表现出来
  • 以上任何一种都会妨碍你的日常生活、学业、友谊或幸福

您孩子的医疗团队可能会建议您咨询医学心理学家. You can also bring this up with the medical team, or contact pediatric medical psychology team directly. 约翰霍普金斯儿童中心的儿科医学心理学团队可以拨打410-614-2401.

To request an appointment, call 410-614-2401

Your First Appointment

Who should I call if I want to make an appointment for my child?

如果您想为您的孩子或家人在我们的儿科医学心理学诊所预约,或希望了解更多全球十大外围足球平台提供的服务, please call 410-614-2401

Should I bring anything to my child’s first appointment? Will I have to fill out any paperwork?

  • Before your first appointment, it is helpful to gather any medical, educational, or mental health records from your health care provider(s). 例如:任何先前的心理评估报告或您孩子学校的个性化教育计划(IEP).
  • 我们建议您至少提前15分钟到达填写文件. 你的心理学家可能会要求你和/或你的孩子填写一些问卷,以获得更多关于你孩子情绪的信息, behavioral, and/or social functioning.



  • Get to you know and your child. This will include asking questions about your child’s birth, development, medical history, family history, educational history, and mental/behavioral health history.
  • Work together to come up with some goals for therapy. Examples may include: reducing anxiety/depression symptoms, reducing behavior problems, increasing use of coping skills, and increasing school attendance.
  • Discuss a possible treatment plan to address therapy goals. They will work with you to decide when to follow-up.

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