A woman eats chocolate cookie outside
A woman eats chocolate cookie outside
A woman eats chocolate cookie outside


如果你认为你与巧克力的关系“复杂”,那么你并不孤单. About 45 percent of women in the U.S. report that they have chocolate cravings, 高达91%的女大学生表示经常想吃它. Research shows that, unlike men, 许多女性在吃这种可能被“禁止”的食物时会感到内疚, or they fight the urge to eat it at all.

这种与巧克力的紧张关系在很多方面都是有害的. 营养专家解释说,用巧克力化妆不仅有益于你的味蕾, but also your health.

Why Chocolate Shouldn’t Be Your Guilty Pleasure

young woman eating chocolate

2014年的一项研究表明,将吃巧克力蛋糕与庆祝联系起来的女性更能成功地保持体重, 而那些把它与内疚联系在一起的人可能会遇到一些问题, including:

  • Less success at long- and short-term weight maintenance
  • Feelings of helplessness and loss of control
  • Unhealthy eating behaviors
  • Greater body image dissatisfaction
  • Reduced quality of life

扭转这些对巧克力的渴望的负面影响的关键是停止将其视为禁忌. 你不必因为渴望某种食物而感到内疚,无论是巧克力还是西兰花. In fact, 给任何食物贴上“完全禁止”的标签通常会增加你对这种食物的渴望,并在你最终吃下它时感到内疚, the experts say.

相反,试着为你和巧克力的关系设定一些条款. 带着目的和意图去品味它,享受它,不要有负罪感. 不要坐在电视机前,手里拿着一碗吃不完的巧克力糖. Instead, be mindful of when and why you are eating it. For instance, if you enjoy a square of dark chocolate every day, 你的周末计划是在一家拥有世界著名巧克力甜点的餐厅, 你可能想要放弃每天的款待,这样你就可以在周末尽情享受了.

与巧克力保持健康的关系有助于你适度地享受它,而不会感到内疚, 而不是在试图完全避免吸烟和过度吸烟之间循环.

The Benefits of Having Your Chocolate and Eating It, Too

与所有食物保持健康的关系对你的身心都很重要. 但开始或创造与黑巧克力的平衡关系, in particular, 可能对你的整体健康有显著的积极影响.

Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants. Among the most beneficial is a flavonol called epicatechin. 黄酮醇是一种在植物中发现的化合物,可以抵抗炎症,防止自由基引起的细胞损伤.


  1. Increases heart health: 黑巧克力中的抗氧化剂已被证明可以降低血压, 减少凝血的风险,增加心脏的血液循环, thus lowering the risks of stroke, coronary heart disease and death from heart disease.
  2. Balances the immune system黄酮醇可以防止免疫系统过度运转,减少氧化应激, 哪一种失衡是由细胞对抗自由基引起的,是许多疾病的常见原因.
  3. Combats diabetes: Epicatechin protects cells, 使它们更强壮,并支持帮助身体更好地使用胰岛素的过程, which might prevent or combat diabetes.
  4. Improves brain function: 黑巧克力中的黄酮醇对大脑功能有积极影响, including better reaction time, visual-spatial awareness and stronger memory. Though research is ongoing, 其中一个原因可能是黄酮醇增加了流向大脑的血液.
  5. Boosts athletic performance: 黑巧克力中的表儿茶素增加了血液中一氧化氮的产生, 在进行中等强度的运动时,哪一种能促进血液循环,减少运动员的耗氧量. 这使运动员能够更长时间地保持运动强度.
  6. Reduces stress据报道,吃黑巧克力的人感觉压力更小, and researchers confirmed that after eating dark chocolate, there were reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol. 这可能与黑巧克力对心脏健康的影响有关, since stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

With its health-boosting compounds and micronutrients, you should consider letting dark chocolate into your life, 如果它不是其中的一部分(注意黑巧克力含有咖啡因是很重要的), which some people may be sensitive to).

Here are some facts about dark chocolate’s health benefits:

  • 可可含量越高,巧克力中有益的黄酮醇就越多. 研究中发现的大多数益处都与可可含量至少为70%的巧克力有关.
  • 研究人员还没有提出一个硬性的建议,即摄入多少黑巧克力才能达到这些健康益处. 专家建议食用可可含量至少为70%的低加工黑巧克力, and maybe have an ounce as an occasional treat.
  • You should always check the label to be aware of the calorie, fat and sugar content, which could potentially affect the overall health benefit.
  • 对一些人来说,巧克力会引发胃酸倒流或偏头痛.

In the end, 偶尔享用巧克力不应该让你充满压力或内疚, 无论是富含抗氧化剂的黑巧克力还是白巧克力, which has very little nutritional benefit. 在大多数健康的关系中,关键是保持积极和平衡的态度.

黑巧克力对健康有很多好处,绝对可以作为均衡饮食的一部分. 有很多健康的方法可以将巧克力融入你的生活方式,所以找到适合你的.

如果你需要一些额外的帮助,或者在控制饮食方面有困难, consider seeking help from a registered dietitian, nutritionist or other qualified health professional.

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