


多囊卵巢综合征,简称PCOS, is an endocrine (hormonal) condition that can cause multiple ovarian cysts, 毛发生长异常, 炎症和其他症状.

阿曼达·斯塔索斯,临床营养师 约翰霍普金斯的西布里纪念医院, says people diagnosed with the disorder can improve their health, starting with nutritious foods.


People with polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to also have obesity, systemic inflammation, 代谢综合征, insulin resistance or a combination of these chronic conditions. All of them raise the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other illnesses.

Stathos says that insulin resistance affects 50% to 75% of people with PCOS. She explains, “Insulin is like a key that opens cells and lets glucose in. 葡萄糖是能量的燃料. 人体非常擅长制造胰岛素, 但对胰岛素抵抗的人来说, the insulin does not convey glucose into the cells properly. The result is glucose building up in the bloodstream and the fat cells, 哪些会增加患糖尿病的风险.

“Not everyone with polycystic ovary disease has these complications, 但对于那些喜欢的人来说, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is our first concern,斯塔索斯说, 这要从饮食和锻炼开始.”

多囊症患者最好的饮食是什么? While Stathos approaches each patient as an individual, she points out that the 地中海式饮食 is commonly recommended by dietitians, and for good reason. 它提供各种各样的食物,从所有类别, so it is easy to follow as a lifestyle approach rather than a temporary fix.


“研究 shows that people with PCOS show evidence of all-over inflammation, which is associated with heart disease and other illness. 地中海饮食不含饱和脂肪, 加工肉类和精制糖, which makes it a powerful tool to address inflammation,斯塔索斯说.

She notes that other well-balanced plans emphasizing non-starchy vegetables and fruits, 精益蛋白质, healthy carbs and low-fat dairy can help people with PCOS get healthier and prevent complications.


Stathos emphasizes that individual foods are seldom the culprits behind conditions such as polycystic ovary disease, 同样的, no single food is likely to be a “magic bullet” to restore health.

然而, 她指出, eating too many foods associated with inflammation can aggravate PCOS symptoms and raise the risk of myriad other diseases that people with PCOS are at risk for developing, 比如心脏病.

People with PCOS should avoid these foods that can ramp up inflammation:

  • Fried foods (French fries, potato chips, corn chips and fried chicken or fish)
  • 饱和脂肪,如黄油或人造黄油
  • Red meat, including hamburgers, roast beef and steaks, processed luncheon meat and hot dogs
  • 加工过的零食:蛋糕、饼干、糖果和馅饼
  • Prepared cereal high in sugar, including instant oatmeal, granola
  • 含糖饮料,如苏打水、茶和运动饮料
  • 酒精饮料
  • Refined flour, white bread, rolls, pizza crust and pasta
  • 白米


“替换, unprocessed options for inflammatory items can set the stage for better long-term health,斯塔索斯说. Choices such as these from the 地中海式饮食 can help you get to a healthy weight and manage PCOS symptoms with plenty of nutrition and great taste:

  • 富含Omega-3的鱼,如鲑鱼,烤或烤
  • 橄榄油 而不是黄油或人造黄油
  • 豆类和其他富含蛋白质的豆类 而不是肉
  • 非淀粉蔬菜 such as leafy greens (spinach, kale, escarole, endive, lettuce, etc.), tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas, celery and fennel
  • 全谷物如糙米、大麦、高粱等. Breads and pastas made with whole grains can help people with PCOS avoid spikes in blood sugar.
  • 整个水果 甜点. 整个水果中的纤维含量能让你有饱腹感, helps your digestion and slows down the absorption of its sugars into the bloodstream.


Staying hydrated is essential: Drink plenty of water, unsweetened coffee or tea. Instead of soda, try seltzer with a splash of fruit juice.

多囊卵巢综合征流行饮食? 不要太快

Losing weight is essential to controlling insulin resistance but following diet trends may not be the best approach. 任何基于消除整个食物组的计划, 比如碳水化合物, 对长期控制体重不实用吗.

“Eliminating carbs is not something I recommend,” she says. “然而, choosing more low-glycemic carbohydrates (those that do not cause a surge in blood sugar) such as fiber-rich whole grains and non-starchy vegetables can be helpful. The goal is to keep blood sugar stable and avoid big dips and spikes. 小, 多吃饭真的有帮助, combined with balanced snacks so you’re eating about every four hours.”

Because maintaining consistent blood sugar is important, Stathos says intermittent fasting may not be the best option for people with polycystic ovary syndrome. She points out that some patients may consume too many calories during the times when eating is permitted. Intermittent fasting is a newer approach to weight loss and works for some people, but she says more research is needed to see if it is safe and beneficial for people with PCOS.


斯塔索斯说和饮食一起, 锻炼和其他健康的生活习惯, 比如充足的睡眠和控制压力, 能有效控制多囊卵巢综合征的症状吗, lower your risk of developing chronic disease and improve your life.

“如果你被诊断患有多囊卵巢综合征, it doesn’t mean that you are destined to have poor health,Stathos强调. “There is a lot you can do to take charge, minimize symptoms and keep yourself healthy.”

