
Common Summer Skin Conditions: What You Should Know

当园艺, 游泳, camping and enjoying outdoor sports and activities are part of your summertime plans, 保护你的皮肤是必不可少的. 以下是如何确保昆虫叮咬, 皮疹, sunburn and other summer skin conditions don’t spoil the fun.


练习好 太阳安全 夏季护肤的首要任务是什么. 甚至有几个坏的 灼伤 can raise your risk for skin cancer and premature wrinkling and aging.

A little effort can go a long way to protecting your skin:

  • 使用效果好,广谱,防水 防晒霜 on your face and other exposed areas, even on cloudy days.
    • 应用慷慨, and don’t forget your lips and the rims of your ears, 脖子后面和脚尖.
    • Choose one with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30.
    • Reapply about every 2 hours and after 游泳 or sweating.
  • Cover up with sun-protection clothing and always wear a hat and sunglasses.
  • 在阳光最充足的时间呆在室内或有遮挡的地方.


昆虫叮咬和蜇伤 can leave your skin with painful welts and even spread disease.

蜱虫 可以传播 莱姆病有的还没有罂粟籽大. 如果你在森林里待过, 莱姆病确诊的草地, check yourself and your children for ticks afterward.

黄蜂、蜜蜂、大黄蜂和黄夹克 能造成疼痛的刺痛吗. 如果你或你爱的人 昆虫叮咬过敏, be sure to keep medications and antihistamines within easy reach in case someone gets stung.

蚊子 can make evening gatherings miserable, especially in humid summer weather. 同样的, biting flies are common in certain areas and can make hiking in the woods or relaxing at the beach a challenge.

  • 使用驱虫剂 让虫子远离你的皮肤.
  • 流动的空气会有所帮助. 当你在黄昏或夜间外出时, plug in a box fan or other type and keep it blowing to keep the biters at bay.
  • 治疗咬伤 with anti-itch medication since scratching itchy bug bites can cause infection, 破坏皮肤,留下疤痕.


Chris Harris was infected with 莱姆病 from a deer tick bite. He chose the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease 研究 Center for treatment. Here, Chris shares his story of treatment and living with 莱姆病.


Summer heat, poison ivy, 游泳 in certain water, perspiration and other factors can cause 皮肤刺激和皮疹.


Hot summer air and sweat can cause ― or aggravate ― certain skin conditions.

痤疮 can worsen in the summer when sweat and face oils mix and clog hair follicles and oil glands. Blot your face frequently with a clean tissue or towel, and look for makeup and 防晒霜 products that are oil-free and designed not to clog pores (non-comedogenic).

is a common fungal infection of the skin that causes lighter or darker spots and itchy patches on the scalp, between the toes (athlete’s foot) or in the groin (jock itch). Though not caused by heat and humidity, summery weather can make symptoms worse. 你的医生可以开处方治疗.

痱子 shows up as tiny red bumps and is caused by sweat clogging your pores. 凉爽的空气和冷敷可以缓解疼痛.


毒常春藤,毒橡树和毒漆树 在夏天丰富吗. If you run, hike or camp, you’re likely to encounter these leafy lurkers. Oils in these plants cause an allergic reaction that can be severe, 与红, 肿胀和水泡, 伴随着强烈的瘙痒.

The best solution is avoidance ― learn what these plants look like, and stay away. If you are exposed, wash your hands and clothes thoroughly to remove as much of the oil as possible.

联系 your doctor or urgent care for medications if contact with poison ivy or its cousins causes:

  • 严重过敏症状
  • 皮疹:在身体上大面积出现的皮疹
  • 皮疹影响眼睛、面部或生殖器的皮疹

玛格丽塔燃烧 is a common name for phytophotodermatitis — a mouthful of a name for a skin irritation caused by a combination of plant compounds and light. It happens when certain plants interact with the sun to cause a burn-like irritation on the skin. 酸橙汁是常见原因(因此得名), 所以,如果你想在夏日饮品中加入酸橙, wash your hands and arms (and anywhere else the juice gets on) before going out in the sun. Buttercups, carrots, bergamot oranges and others can also cause the problem.


这取决于你在哪里游泳或泡澡, tiny creepy crawlies or chemical treatments can irritate your skin. 留意当地湖泊的指示牌, beaches or 游泳 holes warning for the presence of bacteria, 寄生虫或其他刺激物.

游泳者的痒 也叫子宫颈皮炎吗. It is caused by microscopic parasites that can become concentrated in ponds, 湖泊,甚至海洋. 游泳后, 你可能会感到瘙痒, tingling or burning sensations as the water dries on your skin. 会出现丘疹样的肿块、荨麻疹或伤痕. The best prevention is a brisk rub-down with a clean towel as soon as you get out of the water.

海虱 根本不是虱子吗. They are just-hatched and barely visible jellyfish or sea anemone larva common in the waters of eastern Florida or the Caribbean. 已经装备了毒刺, the tiny creatures can get caught between swimmers’ skin and swimsuit, 鳍或齿轮,并引起发痒的皮疹, 这也被称为 seabather爆发.

氯皮疹 can cause a burnlike skin irritation in people with a chlorine allergy when they take a dip in chlorine-treated pools, 热水浴缸或水疗. Chlorine can also dry out the skin and aggravate existing skin problems.


Remember these tips to keep your skin healthier as the temperatures rise:

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin healthy and moisturized from the inside.
  • 限制阳光照射.
  • Shower, cool down and dry off when you’re hot and sweaty.
  • 每天使用温和的洗面奶,避免浓妆艳抹.

Consult your dermatologist for any skin conditions that concern you.


Tips for preventing and treating stings by bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets and other insects

