HOPE Center

Hopkins Outreach for Pediatric Education

doctor with patient


  • 向在各种环境中照顾儿童的卫生保健提供者提供优质教育
  • 强调卫生保健的预防方面,以便使患病和受伤儿童的结果最佳化
  • 作为所有儿童保健提供者长期发展教育倡议的论坛
  • 与社区资源合作进行设计, 儿科继续教育项目的实施与评估



For a HOPE brochure, 包括一份PALS/ pear课程登记表, please contact the HOPE Office at [email protected] or call 410-614-1960.

填妥的报名表格可电邮至 [email protected] or faxed to 443-287-4529.

如果您正在查询心肺复苏术,BLS或ACLS课程,请联系心肺复苏术办公室 [email protected] or call 410-955-9343.

Faculty & Staff

Caitlin O'Brien, M.D., M.P.H.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
HOPE Medical Director

Dana Propst

Administrative Coordinator
AHA Training Site Coordinator

Work for the HOPE Office

HOPE项目目前每年教授大约45门美国心脏协会(AHA)课程,包括儿科高级生命支持(PALS)提供者, PALS renewal, PALS HeartCode, PALS instructor, and Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS).