Resident Rotations

The 耳鼻喉-头颈外科 Resident Training Program at Johns Hopkins provides residents at levels PGY-1 through PGY-5 with the opportunity to be involved in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of common and rare ear, 鼻咽喉临床问题. We offer two tracks designed to meet the resident's long term goals in either a research or clinical setting. 


Rotations at a Glance

Post Graduate Year Rotations
PGY-1 OHNS Intern 3 months: 普通外科旋转
1 month: Neurosurgery rotation
1 month: Anesthesia rotation
1 month: 整形外科轮转
6 months: 耳鼻咽喉科旋转 
PGY-2 OHNS助理住院医师 12个月的临床轮转,其中: 3 months: Pediatric OTO - JHH
2-3 months: Night float - JHH
3 months: Otology - JHH
3 months: Sinolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery
PGY-3 OHNS助理住院医师 24 month: T32研究轨道(每年2名住院医师)
6 months: 5年(每年2名住院医师)
6 months: GBMC和/或Bayview 5年轨道(每年2名居民) 6个月的24个月将获得ACGME认证
PGY-4 OHNS助理住院医师 12个月的临床轮转,其中: 3 months: Facial Plastic & 重建外科- JHH
3 months: Sinus & Laryngology - JHH
3 months: OHNS将军-湾景或GBMC
3 months: Head & Neck Oncology – JHH
PGY-5 OHNS首席住院医师 12个月的临床轮转,其中: 3 months - Head & Neck Oncology- JHH
3 months - Otology - JHH
3 months - Head & Neck Oncology – GBMC
3 months -面部整形/选修/郊区
PGY-5+ OHNS首席住院医师 6 months - 高级专科轮转- JHH
6 months - optional fellowship

Rotations in Detail


  • General surgery rotations (three months, including one month on a surgical intensive care unit)
  • 神经外科轮转(一个月)
  • 整形外科轮转(一个月)
  • 麻醉科轮岗(一个月)
  • 耳鼻喉科轮转(六个月), 主要是头颈部肿瘤, 其中包括对服务组织的介绍. 门诊评估的基本技能, 护理头颈部住院推荐十大正规网赌平台, 也会教授呼吸道管理.


Second year residents rotate through three services at the Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH) and one at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.

  • 小儿OTO - JHH(3个月)
    • Congenital, infectious, neoplastic, 以及上呼吸道创伤性疾病, special sense organs, 头部和颈部是重点. 住院医师应掌握儿科内窥镜检查和扁桃体切除术.
  • 夜漂- JHH(约三个月)
  • 耳科- JHH(三个月)
    • The diagnosis and management of disorders of the ear and temporal bone including hearing loss and imbalance, 以及侧颅底的肿瘤, are emphasized. The PGY 2 resident is expected to master simple audiometric and vestibular testing methodology, cortical mastoidectomy, 鼓室成形术.
  • Sinolaryngology/Head & 颈部手术(三个月)
    • Diagnosis and management of benign and malignant neoplasms of the upper aerodigestive tract, 头和脖子是重点. The resident is expected to master simple soft tissue procedures such as submandibular gland excision and begin to learn the more complex surgical anatomy of the neck, larynx and skull base.

On all rotations, residents average around two days per week in outpatient clinic and three in the operating room. 住院病房职责, night call, 急诊病房的覆盖是轮流安排的.

Outpatient Clinic

在门诊, 住院医师在全职教师的监督下工作, fellows, and senior residents. 他们对新推荐十大正规网赌平台进行病史和体格检查, 制定有效的鉴别诊断, 然后把推荐十大正规网赌平台介绍给主管. 然后教师重复这个H&P, 与住院医师讨论病例, 并共同制定进一步的检查或治疗计划. 然后住院医生协助执行计划. 随访患者以同样的方式进行评估和管理. Simple office procedures such as biopsy under local anesthesia and flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy are performed under the direct supervision of the faculty.

Operating Room

In the operating room, PGY 2 residents participate in routine surgical procedures such as tonsillectomy and myringotomy tubes with graduated proficiency and degree, always under the direct supervision of the faculty member who is present in the operating room. The PGY 2 resident also assists in more complex cases such as neck dissection and mastoidectomy. The resident is responsible for postoperative care in the recovery room or intensive care unit.

Inpatient Ward

On the inpatient ward, the PGY 2 resident has 1-3 day calls each week and 4-5 night/weekend calls each month at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and has homecall responsibilities every 4 nights while at Bayview and GBMC. They participate in daily ward rounds for postoperative and non-operative inpatient care. All activities are performed under the supervision of the chief resident and faculty, 但是像喉镜检查这样的常规检查, rigid nasal endoscopy, 日常的管理决策可以有适当程度的独立性. The resident is responsible for writing an admission history and physical note and discharge summary for each patient. 掌握常规和复杂术后护理的基本原理.


  • Research (six months): Residents who matched into the R25 research track have an extended 24-month research opportunity (six months are ACGME-accredited) with clinical training extended into PGY6 to complete RRC requirements. 在研究轮转之前, 居民必须确定一位导师和一个项目,并写一份提案, 哪个是由教员审查和批准的. The resident works directly under the supervision of the mentor but is expected to demonstrate initiative in the direction of research, 实验的执行和结果的分析. A written summary of results in publishable form is required at the end of the rotation.
  • 一般的耳鼻咽喉科 at Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) or Johns Hopkins Bayview (six months): Residents work under the supervision of full- and part-time faculty. 职责与JHH的PGY4住院医师相似.


  • Facial Plastic & 重建手术- JHH(三个月)
    • 住院医师每周与JHH的全职教师一起工作三天, 在一个独立的手术中心和兼职教员一起工作两天. This rotation offers exposure to diagnosis and management of deformities of functional and cosmetic significance due to trauma, congenital, postoperative, infectious, or neoplastic causes.
  • Sinus & 喉科- JHH(三个月)
    • 住院医师与鼻窦和喉科的全职教员一起工作. The sinus division offers exposure to diagnosis and management of common sinonasal and anterior skull base pathology. The laryngology division offers exposure to diagnosis and management of common laryngological disease, including voice, airway, 还有吞咽障碍.
  • 一般OHNS - Bayview/GBMC(三个月)
    • The PGY 4 resident assumes a chief resident role under the oversight of the full-time faculty to manage this inpatient and outpatient service. 晚上从家里打电话给PGY 2的住院医生. 作为这项服务的总住院医师, the PGY 4 resident develops proficiency in teaching junior residents intraoperatively and in general patient care.
  • Head & 颈部肿瘤- JHH(3个月)

PGY4居民享有更大的独立性, typically working directly under the supervision of faculty members without the intermediate oversight of a chief resident. Responsibility and opportunity in the operating room is afforded commensurate with experience and demonstrated capability, 让住院医生接触到更复杂的程序. 第一次呼叫公司内部的夜间呼叫职责仍然存在,但频率有所降低, 允许更多的时间参与推荐十大正规网赌平台护理的决策.


今年是总住院医师年. On each rotation, 住院医师担任小组组长, 给初级员工分配日常工作, 并监督术后推荐十大正规网赌平台的日常管理, ward rounds, 以及夜间突发事件. 轮换包括:

  • Head & 颈部肿瘤- JHH(3个月)
  • 耳科- JHH(三个月)
  • Head & 颈部肿瘤- GBMC(3个月)
  • 面部整形/选修/郊区*(三个月)

In the operating room, all but the most complex cases (reserved for fellowship training such as microvascular free tissue transfer or cerebellopontine angle surgery) are to be mastered.

在门诊, the resident is expected to accurately recognize and diagnose all common and many unusual conditions, 制定准确的鉴别诊断, 一个完整的锻炼计划, 以及一份治疗建议,讨论所有有效的替代方案. Clinic evaluations and surgical procedures are supervised by full-time faculty who are present or immediately available at all times. 第二次呼叫是住院总医师的职责, 监督第一次呼叫住院医师, 还有随时待命的教员的支援.

All residents are required to participate in didactic sessions held on a weekly or annual schedule. They must take a home instruction course and the In-service Exam sponsored by the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.