Lung Scan

What is a lung scan?

肺部扫描是一种成像检查,可以检查你的肺部,帮助诊断某些肺部问题. A lung scan may also be used to see how well treatment is working.

A lung scan is a type of nuclear imaging test. 这意味着在扫描过程中会使用少量的放射性物质. The radioactive matter called tracers sends out gamma rays. 这些射线被扫描仪接收,形成你肺部的图像.

A lung scan can be a ventilation scan or a perfusion scan. A ventilation scan looks at how air moves in and out of your lungs. 特别是,它观察空气是如何通过肺部的支气管和细支气管的. A perfusion scan looks at how blood is flowing within your lungs.

在灌注扫描中,放射性示踪剂在血流正常的地方被均匀吸收. Areas that are not getting blood don't absorb the tracer. In a ventilation scan, 示踪剂会充满肺部除非你有一个空气不能移动的区域.


肺部扫描最常用于诊断和发现血凝块或其他小肿块 emboli in the lungs. 但你的医疗保健提供者也可能使用扫描来帮助诊断其他肺部疾病.

其他可用于诊断肺部和呼吸道问题的相关程序包括 bronchoscopycomputed tomography (CT scan) of the chestchest fluoroscopychest X-raychest ultrasoundlung biopsy, bronchography, mediastinoscopyoximetrypeak flow measurementpositron emission tomography (PET) scanpleural biopsypulmonary angiographypulmonary function tests, and thoracentesis.

Why might I need a lung scan?

如果你有肺部血块的症状,你可能需要进行肺部扫描. Symptoms include:

  • Fast heart rate

  • Trouble breathing

  • Chest pain not caused by your heart

If your healthcare provider thinks you may have a blood clot, you will have a ventilation scan and a perfusion scan. They will be done one right after the other. 如果通气扫描正常,但灌注扫描不正常,这就被称为不匹配. A mismatch may mean that you have a blood clot.


  • Chronic lung disease, such as emphysema or COPD
  • Tumors or other blockages in the lungs or airways


您的医疗保健提供者可能有其他原因建议进行肺部扫描. Talk with your healthcare provider about the reason for your scan.

What are the risks of a lung scan?

The risk from the radioactive tracer is very low. The amount used in the test is very small. You may feel some slight discomfort when the tracer is injected. Allergic reactions to the tracer are rare, but they may happen.


Tell your healthcare provider if you:

  • Are allergic to or sensitive to medicines, contrast dyes, or latex

  • 你是否怀孕了,或者认为你可能怀孕了,因为扫描可能对未出生的婴儿不安全

  • Are breastfeeding since the tracer may contaminate your breast milk

You may have other risks that are unique to you. 让你的医疗保健提供者知道你所有的医疗状况.

Make a list of questions you have about the procedure. 请务必在手术前与您的医疗保健提供者讨论这些问题和任何担忧. 考虑带一个家庭成员或信任的朋友去看医生,以帮助你记住你的问题和担忧.

Certain things can make a lung scan less accurate. These include:

  • 你体内的放射性示踪剂来自最近的另一次核医学试验

  • Pneumonia or obstructive lung disease

  • Structural problem in your chest

  • Ventilation scan mask that is loose or does not fit well

How do I get ready for a lung scan?

  • Your healthcare provider will explain the procedure to you. Ask them any questions you have about the procedure.

  • 你可能会被要求签署一份允许做扫描的同意书. Read the form carefully and ask questions if anything is not clear.

  • You usually don't need to stop eating or drinking before the test. 你通常也不需要药物来帮助你放松(镇静)。.

  • 如果你怀孕了或认为你可能怀孕了,告诉你的医疗保健提供者.

  • 如果你在过去的24到48小时内没有做过胸部x光检查,你可能需要在扫描前做一次胸部x光检查.

  • 您的医疗保健提供者可能会给您其他指示,以做好准备. Be sure to follow them.

What happens during a lung scan?

你可以在门诊或住院期间做肺部扫描. 测试的方式可能会根据您的病情和您的医疗保健提供者的做法而有所不同.

You may have either a perfusion scan or a ventilation scan. Or you may have both scans. If you have both scans, one will be done right after the other.

Generally, a lung scan follows this process:

  1. You will be asked to remove any clothing, jewelry, or other objects that may get in the way of the scan.

  2. You may be asked to remove clothing. If so, you will be given a gown to wear.

  3. For a perfusion lung scan, 你的手或手臂会开始静脉注射,这样你就可以注射放射性示踪剂了.

  4. 当你平躺在测试台上时,核医学技术人员会慢慢地将示踪剂注射到你的静脉中.

  5. The tracer will collect in the blood vessels of your lungs. The technologist will use the scanner to take images of the lungs. You will be helped into several different positions during the test. 这将使放射科医生从不同的角度拍摄肺部的图像.

  6. For a ventilation scan, 您将通过面罩吸入含有示踪剂的气体,或者可以注射示踪剂.

  7. You will then be asked to hold your breath for a short time. 放射科医生会在你屏住呼吸的时候用扫描仪给你的肺部拍照. 在你吸入示踪剂的几分钟时间里,他们会继续拍照. Be careful not to swallow the tracer. Swallowing the tracer could affect the quality of the images.

  8. 当示踪气体在你的肺部聚集后,技术人员将取下面罩. As you breathe normally, the tracer will gradually leave your lungs.

  9. Once the scan is done, the IV line will be removed.

The lung scan is not painful. 但在测试过程中,你可能会因为躺着不动而感到不适或疼痛. This may be because of recent surgery or a joint injury. 技术人员将使用所有可能的舒适措施,并尽快进行扫描以减少任何不适或疼痛.

What happens after a lung scan?



你可能会被告知在扫描后1到2天内要多喝水,经常排空膀胱. This will help flush the radioactive tracer from your body.

医务人员将检查静脉注射部位是否有红肿的迹象. Tell your healthcare provider if you see any pain, redness, or swelling at the IV site after you go home. These may be signs of infection or another type of reaction.




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