Residency Program

Combining patient care experience with didactic learning, our resident physicians become masters of the diagnosis, treatment and basic understanding of the skin. 约翰霍普金斯皮肤科住院医师计划的目标是提供一个学习环境,以促进专业人员的发展, academic, clinical, and technical skills necessary to provide competent, compassionate care for patients.

在三年的培训中,逐步教授诊断和治疗原则.  住院医师计划强调护理的连续性,旨在提供对皮肤病学各个方面的深入了解, including medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology.

The Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology Residency Program


Our Mission

约翰霍普金斯大学皮肤科住院医师项目的使命是为我们所有的住院医师提供全面的皮肤科培训,涉及我们领域的各个方面及其实践. 我们的项目主管和教师旨在培养皮肤科领域的未来领导者, while also fostering excellence in research, clinical care, and teaching. The culture of our program supports each resident in career development, personal growth, and lifelong learning. In so doing, we serve our diverse local community's dermatologic needs with compassionate, evidence-based patient care, 并通过发展和创新为全球社区的皮肤科护理做出贡献. At all times we emphasize our institute's core values: excellence and discovery; leadership and integrity; diversity and inclusion; respect and collegiality.

我选择约翰霍普金斯皮肤科作为我的住院医师培训,因为该项目通过无与伦比的亚专科诊所提供了接触到令人难以置信的多样化患者群体的机会. 住院医生与受人尊敬的临床和研究人员一起工作,共同的目标是为每位患者提供最好的护理. 这里有一种团队合作和合作的文化,促进每位住院医生在该领域的兴趣的学习和探索, 为我们在毕业后选择从事皮肤科的任何方面做好准备.

-Dr. Kristin Khan, PGY-4, current chief resident

Our Program's Aims

  1. To provide our trainees with an outstanding basic science, clinical, and procedural foundation in general and subspecialty dermatology;
  2. 培训住院医师为所有患者提供优质、全面的皮肤科护理, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status;
  3. 让我们的住院医生在住院期间接触到不同阶段的临床和转化研究, 这样他们就可以在未来的几年里通过发现和创新为皮肤病学领域做出贡献;
  4. To provide the tools, knowledge, connections, and background needed to promote our trainees' career development, such that we train future leaders in our field;
  5. To lead by example in our practice of medicine as we promote integrity, foster team building and leadership, respect for others and collegiality.


Residents rotate to several sites, including the Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center clinic, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center clinic, Pediatric Dermatology division, Greenspring Station Cosmetic Center clinic, Surgery division, Dermatopathology division, inpatient consultations, and elective rotations.

Resident Research

我们项目的一个亮点是,第二年和第三年的住院医生每周有半天的保护时间专门从事研究项目. Partnering with a full-time faculty member, residents develop a research proposal to explore an area of specialty interest. 目前居民的研究重点包括评估细胞药物对肢体移植皮肤的排斥程度, infrared imaging of pigmented lesions, teledermatology, retinoid pharmacology, microbiome, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers and post inflammatory dyspigmentation. Johns Hopkins Dermatology is committed to excellence in academic training, 为居民提供研究机会是这项任务的核心要素.

该部门还提供2+2临床和研究相结合的培训轨道,其中最后两年致力于提供指导基础, 转化和/或临床研究培训,以培养未来的皮肤科临床科学家.

How to Apply

皮肤科参与电子居留申请服务(ERAS), 它是由美国医学院协会开发的用来传送住院医师申请的, letters of recommendation, Dean's Letters, 通过互联网将医学院的成绩单和其他证明文件提交给我们的项目. The program also participates in the National Match.

Applications should be completed in ERAS by October 21 for consideration.

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