约翰霍普金斯儿童医院 儿科塑料 & 整形外科手术

We treat infants and children with a variety of conditions needing plastic and reconstructive surgery.

更新: We offer telemedicine consultations and follow-up appointments with the plastic and reconstructive surgery program, 根据每个推荐十大正规网赌平台的情况和预约需要. 预约时间请致电查询 727-767-4920.

As a parent, you probably never expected your child to need a plastic surgeon. 他们是否有胎记或复杂的畸形, our pediatric plastic surgeons are sensitive to the ongoing health and confidence of your child. 我们和你一起解释你所有的选择, 会发生什么, 所以我们可以一起选择最好的治疗方案.


Children who need treatment from our board-certified plastic surgeons receive skilled, compassionate care from one of the most robust pediatric plastic surgery programs in the 坦帕 Bay, 佛罗里达, 地区.

Our pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgeons treat infants and children with a very wide range of conditions, 包括面部先天缺陷, 唇腭裂修复, 颌骨矫正手术, 以及血管瘤的治疗, 颅缝早闭, 例矮小, 面部麻痹, 爱伯特综合症, Crouzon综合症, 普费弗综合征, Microtia和更多.

We also treat patients with traumatic injuries and problems resulting from the treatment of cancer and other conditions.

Pediatric plastic surgery at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital also plays an important role in our multidisciplinary 血管异常门诊. We treat patients with deformities resulting from hemangiomas, 血管肿瘤和血管畸形, 以及过度生长综合症.

Harper Smiles with the Help of Johns Hopkins All Children's Cleft and Craniofacial Care

When Melissa and Creighton were looking for care for their baby who would be born with cleft lip — a condition Melissa had also been treated for as a child — they found the expert, compassionate team they were seeking at Johns Hopkins All Children’s. Learn how our plastic surgeons help patients like baby Harper.


For more information on how the pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery team at 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院 can help your child, 请给我们打电话. 我们的专家团队提供全面的护理.





We treat a full range of conditions requiring pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery. 阅读下面我们的一些节目,或者 了解更多关于我们治疗的疾病范围.


Our pediatric plastic surgeons treat many craniofacial abnormalities. 这包括唇裂, 腭裂, 颅缝早闭, 例巨大胎儿, 变形或位置斜头或更多.



Corrective jaw surgeries can treat misaligned jaws and teeth, 比如咬多了, 咬下, 开咬, 以及其他骨骼或牙齿异常. The craniofacial and plastic surgeons at Johns Hopkins All Children’s bring expertise in planning each patient’s treatment to achieve functional and aesthetic outcomes tailored to your child’s needs. 


血管异常可以指各种各样的问题, including infantile hemangiomas (which may disappear on their own) benign tumors, 出生是, 以及血管畸形. Some of these conditions require medications, surgery, or interventional radiology to for treatment. Our vascular anomalies team members are committed to providing specialized care for your child.



Craniofacial conditions are now commonly diagnosed before a child is born. Our pediatric plastic surgeons are happy to meet with expecting parents when a diagnosis of a craniofacial condition is made to help you underst会发生什么 when your baby is born.

  • 认识我们的团队

    Our surgeons are award-winning researchers who have trained doctors internationally, 为几代推荐十大正规网赌平台做过手术, and are fellowship trained at some of our country's most distinguished medical schools. Together with a multidisciplinary team they provide high-quality care here in 佛罗里达.

  • 推荐十大正规网赌平台及家属支援

    As a children's hospital we understand that your child's treatment affects the whole family. We have developed programs to support both your child and your family from intake through recovery.

  • 请阅读我们的住院家庭指南,为您的住院做好准备

    It’s a little easier when you know what to expect and understand what’s going on around you. We hope this guide will be a handy source of information about how our hospital works. If you have questions or need assistance, don't be afraid to ask. 我们是来帮忙的.

  • 整形外科视频Q&A

    加入我们的儿科整形外科医生亚历克斯·罗杰斯,m.s.D. 乔丹·哈尔西,M.D. as they answer common questions about diagnoses and treatments related to plastic surgery.


问题? 给我们打电话.

If you have questions or would like more information, our team is happy to assist. 请致电 727-767-4920.



We're ready to work with you to explain and discuss your child's treatment options. 请求预约 使用我们的网上表格.

  • 面对挑战,追逐梦想&A和Dr. 约旦哈尔西

    乔丹·哈尔西,m.h.D., talks about how early experiences with medical mission trips helped inspire her to pursue a career in medicine, and what led her to the division of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Johns Hopkins All Children’s.

  • 精确的儿科整形手术-了解医生. 亚历克斯Rottgers

    亚历克斯·罗杰斯,m.s.D., division chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Johns Hopkins All Children’s, talks about how an early interest in science and biology led him to pursue a career in medicine, the impact of craniofacial surgery and how he works to improve his patients’ quality of life.

  • 献给玛丽亚·玛的爱的海洋

    Ron and Maria Del Carmen couldn’t have imagined what would be required to keep their daughter alive and safe in her first two years of life — a journey that would lead them from Guatemala to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.

    Patient Maria Mar with her parents at 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院