心脏研究所 胎儿心脏计划

Our expert team provides comprehensive diagnostic care, 包括胎儿超声心动图, and clinical management for families in the greater 坦帕 Bay area and beyond

When you learn that your unborn baby has a congenital heart defect, 从一个富有同情心的团队那里接受专家护理是很重要的,这将帮助你了解宝宝的诊断和治疗方案.

The fetal heart team at Johns Hopkins 儿童医院 in St. 彼得堡, 佛罗里达, provides you and your unborn child with expert, personalized care that addresses your child’s individual needs, from your first appointment with us through your child’s birth. Our team provides a full spectrum of services, including fetal diagnostic testing and clinical management before, 交货期间和交货后.

先天性心脏缺陷的诊断给孩子的出生带来了许多问题, 全面健康和发展, 以及对整个家庭的影响. We work with you to explain your baby’s specific heart condition, 回答你所有的问题,讨论治疗方案,根据我们的经验和最好的研究制定一个护理计划. 

Why Choose Johns Hopkins All Children’s

我们的团队包括经过认证的儿科心脏病专家,他们与我们的心脏外科医生密切合作, fetal echocardiography sonographers and maternal-fetal medicine specialists.

Our approach to care is multidisciplinary. 我们的心脏病专家与整个医院的专家一起为您和您的宝宝提供护理.

If your baby needs surgery after birth, he or she will receive care from our cardiac critical care and neonatology teams. 你的孩子可能会在我们的 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU) depending on their condition and needs.

我们的新生儿重症监护室获得了佛罗里达州卫生保健管理局(AHCA)的四级认证. 这是现有的最高水平,表明我们拥有最先进的生命支持和监测技术来照顾危重婴儿. 我们的CVICU还提供由儿科心脏病专家组成的高级重症监护, 心脏外科医生, 心脏重症监护医师, respiratory therapists and other pediatric experts.

您与我们的第一次预约将包括胎儿超声心动图,以准确诊断出您的宝宝出生前的心脏状况. 我们的胎儿超声心动图项目是由胎儿超声心动图的跨社会认证委员会(IAC)认可的, 小儿经胸超声心动图和小儿经食管超声心动图. 我们经验丰富的胎儿超声心动图超声技师通过了美国诊断医学超声技师(ARDMS)的认证,特别是在胎儿超声心动图方面.

You can also learn more about our heart surgery program’s outcomes by viewing our 患者安全 & 质量部分. 约翰霍普金斯儿童心脏研究所致力于分享我们的经验, outcomes and safety measures to help you decide what’s right for your child. 






见见胎儿心脏病学专家 who care for our patients at Johns Hopkins All Children’s.




欲了解更多信息或预约,请致电以下电话号码. We serve patients in the greater 坦帕 Bay area and beyond.





We offer fetal echocardiograms and consultations in several locations: