Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Program

Peritoneal surface malignancy, commonly known as peritoneal carcinomatosis, is cancer within the peritoneal cavity. 腹膜腔是腹部器官之间的空间,由腹膜内衬, which is normally a thin protective membrane. 腹膜癌通常是由原有癌症的癌细胞扩散引起的. 最常见的导致腹膜癌的癌症有:

Peritoneal Surface Malignancy FAQ | Jonathan Greer, M.D.

外科肿瘤学家Jonathan Greer讨论腹膜表面恶性肿瘤, 肿瘤已经从主要器官扩散到腹部,更确切地说, 腹腔(或腹膜)的衬里-和治疗方案.

HIPEC: What You Need to Know | Fabian Johnston, M.D.

外科肿瘤学家Fabian Johnston讨论细胞减少手术加腹腔内高温化疗(HIPEC), a highly concentrated, 在手术过程中直接对腹部进行的加热化疗,已被证明对原发性腹膜癌和其他类型的癌症有效.

Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Treatment

Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC

Due to recent advances in surgical techniques, 我们现在能够为某些晚期癌症提供比以往更多的治疗选择. A technique called tumor debulking, or cytoreductive surgery (CRS), 腹腔热化疗(HIPEC)已被证明是某些腹膜表面恶性肿瘤患者的有效治疗选择.

This complex surgical procedure is a two-step process:

  1. Surgically removing any visible tumor or cancer (CRS)
  2. 将加热的化疗药物送入腹部(HIPEC)

The first phase of treatment, CRS, involves removing any visible tumors in the abdomen, which may include involved organs.手术的范围取决于你腹部肿瘤的大小. 外科医生会仔细权衡器官切除的风险和益处,以及你的癌症治疗和整体健康, and will discuss this with you extensively prior to surgery.

During the second phase of treatment, a heated chemotherapy solution 是否在腹腔内循环以治疗任何可能残留的癌细胞.对于某些腹膜疾病患者来说,在手术室里直接向腹部加热和化疗的结合被认为比单独手术更有效,因为它可以接近并杀死比肉眼发现的更多的癌细胞.

最近的研究表明,CRS/HIPEC对某些晚期胃肠癌和卵巢癌患者有益.这一过程可以潜在地延长患者的生命,提高患者的生活质量. 因为化疗是一次性直接进入腹腔的, the traditional side effects of oral or intravenous chemotherapy drugs may be avoided; however, 许多患者在手术前或手术后仍然需要静脉化疗.

Quality of Care

一个多学科的医疗保健专业人员团队将仔细检查您的医疗记录,并与您会面,以确定该手术是否对您有效. Two factors are critical for successful outcomes: First, 仔细选择患者,以确定谁可能以最小的风险获益最多, and second, 在繁忙的国家癌症中心进行手术, such as The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 由在治疗复杂癌症患者方面经验丰富的专业人士.


Meet Our Experts

Our multidisciplinary team consists of surgeons, oncologists, advanced practice providers, radiologists, anesthesiologists, nurses, 营养学家和社会工作者,他们都致力于提供基于最佳证据的整体护理,以改善诊断为腹膜癌的患者的预后和生活质量.

Surgical Oncology

Fabian McCartney Johnston, MD MHS

  • Division Chief, Gastrointestinal (GI) Oncology
  • Associate Professor of Surgery

Nettles, Brenda Smith DNP, ACNP-BC

Nurse Practitioner 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院,马里兰州巴尔的摩市

Brenda Nettles

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Rebecca Lynn Stone, MD MS

  • Director, The Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service
  • Associate Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Medical Oncology