Global Health Leadership Program

约翰霍普金斯大学全球健康领导力项目(GHLP)的使命是通过文化交流培养未来的全球健康领导者, clinical, and educational knowledge and skills. The GHLP, 是对约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的学生开放的, Nursing and Public Health, provides transformational, 为参与者提供跨专业学习经验,并为主办机构和组织带来切实利益. Participants will learn to better leverage their skills in clinical practice, research, and programmatic planning across different global health contexts.

Currently, there are two electives under GHLP:

1. GHLP-International

While abroad, 学生将在多学科和跨专业的环境中工作和学习,包括医生的专业知识, non-physician providers, nurses, and public health experts.  在一个国际站点进行与主办机构合作确定的学术项目, 例如在国外完成的质量改进计划或研究项目. During their international rotations, 学生也可以选择花时间在政府或非政府组织,以进一步提高他们的全球卫生经验. Interested students can also complete a separate programmatic internship at WHO.

International sites (subject to change): India, Nepal, Peru

Elective requirements

  • Pre-departure training
  • Well-supervised clinical experience at the international site
  • Interdisciplinary scholarly project
  • Post-departure debriefing
  • Optional: Programmatic experience (internship)
    • WHO Emergency and Essential Surgical Care
    • Jhpiego

2. GHLP-Migrant Health and Human Rights (Domestic)


Globalization, climate change, violence, discrimination, 贫困正迫使数百万人背井离乡,塑造着现代世界. In this context, migration is increasingly conceptualized as a public health issue, 移民身份已成为健康的关键社会决定因素. 这门选修课侧重于移徙者健康和人权的多学科领域,并提供变革性的, 为参与者提供跨专业的学习经验,并为我们的合作机构和组织带来切实的利益. Interested students may opt to apply for an extended elective (6 – 8 weeks), which includes an internship with Tahirih Justice Center, 一个致力于保护逃离暴力的移民妇女和女孩的全国性组织(需要tahhirih司法中心工作人员批准).

Elective requirements

  • Pre-elective training in forensic evaluation of asylum seekers (available through Physicians For Human Rights)
  • 有良好监督的临床经验,参与对寻求庇护者的法医评估,并辅以关于创伤知情护理的在线模块, reproductive justice, and migration and health 
  • Engagement with local undocumented Latinx population in Baltimore
  • Post-elective debriefing
  • Optional: Programmatic experience (internship)
    • Tahirih Justice Center

In addition to this global health elective, 其他JHU临床和研究的国际机会可以在 Center for Global Health.

Elective Objectives

全球健康领导计划的目标是通过在合作中提供最高程度的培训来培养未来的全球健康领导者, interprofessional learning environment. During this course, students will:

  • Expand and demonstrate leadership skills
  • Understand the impact of social, cultural, political, and economic factors on health care outcomes, access, and delivery
  • Develop and demonstrate interprofessional competencies
  • 运用研究和解决问题的技能,根据在国际临床站点(GHLP-International)的经验完成一个学术项目
  • 扩大临床技能和医学知识,具体到全球卫生背景(GHLP-International)
  • 通过与Centro SOL合作,参与巴尔的摩无证拉丁裔社区的外展工作,制定有效的宣传策略和技能, 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心拉丁裔健康与机会中心(移民健康与人权中心)
  • 通过完成培训,发展对寻求庇护者进行法医生理和心理评估的技能, participating in evaluations, 与法律倡导者合作起草专家宣誓书(全球移民政策-移民健康和人权)

Program Directors

Time Commitment and Availability

Students must commit at least three to four weeks, including travel time (if applicable), to this elective. The course is currently available year-round, as well as during the summer period.

Elective Prerequisites


约翰霍普金斯大学医学院对这门选修课感兴趣的学生必须有良好的信誉,并且已经完成了内科的核心见习, as well as either a core clerkship in General Surgery, Women’s Health (OBGYN), OR Emergency Medicine.

护理学院和公共卫生学院对这门选修课感兴趣的学生必须有良好的信誉. 被考虑参加该课程的学生将需要在参加之前获得各自学校院长办公室的个人许可.

GHLP-Migrant Health and Human Rights


As this elective is newly established during the 2020-2021 academic year, enrollment is currently limited to School of Medicine students. 随着护理学院和公共卫生学院学生参与的机会增加,将增加更新.

How to Apply

There will be two application cycles with two application deadlines:

  • Fall deadline for the January to May rotations
  • Spring deadline for the June to December rotations


Elective Materials