Emergency Department at Sibley Memorial Hospital

GEDAP Bronze Seal

西布里的急诊科一年365天,每天24小时都有服务. When you first come to the department with an emergency, 你会在接待处受到值班护士或急救医生的欢迎. 招生代表将把您的信息输入我们的计算机系统,并开始招生过程.

Next, you will be evaluated for treatment, 这包括收集初步信息,根据你的需求水平来决定你在部门的去向. 这个过程可以在快速检查区或治疗室进行. A registered nurse will obtain your vital signs, 收集有关您的症状的更多信息,并记录您目前的药物和过去的病史. 

在治疗室里,医生或医师助理(PA)会给你看病. 为了准确诊断你的病情,医生或私人助理可能会要求做实验室检查、x光或CT扫描. The length of your visit will depend on the tests ordered.

评估结束后,你要么住院,要么出院. If discharged, you will receive any prescriptions needed, 关于如何在家照顾您的病情的说明以及您的后续护理信息.

Throughout the process, 朋友和家人可以在治疗室陪伴您或在入口处的接待区等候. 这个等候区包括一个自动售货区和两个充电和使用电子设备的插入式柜台, among other amenities that make the wait more pleasant. There is also a separate family room, with a television and phone, for families that need a change of scenery. 

What is an Emergency?


  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
  • Chest or upper abdominal pain or pressure
  • Unusual abdominal pain
  • Fainting, dizziness, weakness
  • Changes in vision
  • Confusion or changes in mental status
  • Sudden or severe pain
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea
  • Coughing or vomiting blood
  • Suicidal feelings
  • Difficulty speaking

任何认为自己可能有紧急情况的人都应该尽快去医院急诊室, 要么用他们自己的方式,要么拨打911叫救护车. With children, ACEP recommends erring on the side of caution. 在成人身上可能不严重的症状在儿童身上可能非常严重. 经验法则是,如果你认为你的孩子有医疗紧急情况,总是寻求医疗救助.

Intensive Care Unit


Emergency Care Team

Emergency Department Care Team

As a patient in the Emergency Department, 您将由一组高度熟练的人员进行治疗,他们密切合作,提供最高水平的护理. These may include:

  • A medical doctor (M.D. or D.O.) has overall responsibility for your care. 我们所有的医生都有急诊医学委员会认证(或合格). 有时,医生助理(PA)可能会评估您的病情. 私人助理是在医生监督下工作的经过认证的卫生保健专业人员.
  • A registered nurse will be assigned to you during your visit. This person will assess and monitor your condition, give you any medication that is ordered, 维持你的静脉注射,并在你的访问期间协助你的任何需求.
  • A clinical associate (CA) may assist in your care. A CA may start your IV and collect lab specimens, 运送您到测试地点,并根据需要为您提供帮助,使您的住宿尽可能舒适.
  • A radiology technician will perform any X-rays or other imaging studies that you need.
  • A transporter may take you to and from an imaging study.
  • An admissions representative 会收集你的信息来建立你的永久病历吗.
  • A respiratory therapist will administer any special breathing treatments.
  • A social worker may assist with any special needs for discharge.

Frequently Asked Questions about Emergency Care