Myeloproliferative Neoplasm

骨髓增生性肿瘤(mpn)是一类骨髓产生过多血细胞的血癌. When this happens, patients are at risk for blood clotting or bleeding, bone marrow scarring and enlargement of the organs. Most patients affected are in their 60s or older.

There are no known cures for most MPNs, although stem cell transplants can help people with myelofibrosis. Still, 许多患者在很长一段时间内症状很少或没有症状, 患有这些癌症的人可以在适当的监测和治疗下活很长时间.

Types of MPNs

Essential Thrombocytosis (ET) 

原发性血小板增多症是一种罕见的疾病,其中身体产生过多的血小板不明原因. This can cause abnormal blood clotting or bleeding. 这种情况通常发生在中年人身上,但也可以在年轻患者身上看到. 少数患者可能会患上急性白血病或骨髓纤维化.


Treatments for ET can vary depending on a patient’s symptoms. 有些患者可能不需要积极治疗,但仍应由了解ET的医生进行监测. Treatments include:

  • 低剂量阿司匹林——这可能是为了降低血栓的风险.
  • Platelet-lowering medications – Drugs including hydroxyurea, anagrelide, 干扰素可以用来降低出血或凝血并发症的风险.
  • 输血——这增加了血液循环中正常细胞的数量.
  • 采血小板-在紧急情况下,如中风或严重的凝血问题, this procedure can quickly lower the number of platelets. Blood is removed through a tube, stripped of platelets, and returned to the body through another tube.
  • Bone marrow transplant/干细胞移植——骨髓移植给推荐十大正规网赌平台健康的干细胞——未成熟的细胞生长成血液的不同部分. The cells are taken from the marrow (the soft, fatty tissue inside bones), replacing the diseased bone marrow. Most patients receive high doses of chemotherapy, radiation, 或者在移植前杀死任何残留的癌细胞,为新的干细胞生长腾出空间. 然后将干细胞通过一根管子注入血液. 它们找到进入骨髓的途径,开始繁殖,制造健康的新血细胞.
  • 新疗法——研究人员正在开发和测试治疗ET的潜在新疗法. 一种是聚乙二醇干扰素,这是另一种副作用较小的干扰素.
  • Chemotherapy – Because MPNs can progress to acute leukemia, patients often are treated with regimens used in that disease. 化疗减少了异常干细胞的数量,并允许健康干细胞重新生长. 

Polycythemia Vera (PV)

真性红细胞增多症是一种罕见的血液疾病,所有血细胞都增加, particularly red blood cells. 这会使血液变厚,并可能导致中风或组织和器官损伤. It is caused by a genetic change, or mutation. In most cases, it is not known why this happens. 少数患者可发展为急性白血病或骨髓纤维化.


Treatments for PV can vary depending on a patient’s symptoms. 有些患者可能不需要积极治疗,但仍应由了解PV的医生进行监测. Treatments include:

  • 低剂量阿司匹林——这可能是为了降低血栓的风险.
  • Phlebotomy – A procedure that involves removing blood from the body. It can thin the blood to let it flow more easily.
  • Radiation – to help suppress overactive bone marrow cells. 这种疗法有助于降低红细胞计数,保持血液流动和血液厚度接近正常水平.
  • 药物治疗——包括羟基脲和鲁索利替尼在内的药物可用于降低出血或凝血并发症的风险, and decrease the occurrence of an enlarged spleen.
  • 新疗法-研究人员正在开发和测试潜在的PV新疗法. 一种是聚乙二醇干扰素,这是另一种副作用较小的干扰素.
  • 输血——这增加了血液循环中正常细胞的数量.
  • 骨髓移植/干细胞移植——骨髓移植给推荐十大正规网赌平台健康的干细胞——未成熟的细胞可以长成血液的不同部分. The cells are taken from the marrow (the soft, fatty tissue inside bones), replacing the diseased bone marrow. Most patients receive high doses of chemotherapy, radiation, 或者在移植前杀死任何残留的癌细胞,为新的干细胞生长腾出空间. 然后将干细胞通过一根管子注入血液. 它们找到进入骨髓的途径,开始繁殖,制造健康的新血细胞.
  • Chemotherapy – Because MPNs can progress to acute leukemia, patients often are treated with regimens used in that disease. 化疗减少了异常干细胞的数量,并允许健康干细胞重新生长.

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Myelofibrosis (MF)

骨髓纤维化是一种慢性血癌,骨髓功能受到瘢痕的影响. MR可以发生在ET或PV的进展中,也可以发生在没有MPN病史的患者中.


Treatments for MF can vary depending on a patient’s symptoms. 有些患者可能不需要积极治疗,但仍应由了解MF的医生进行监测. Treatments include:

  • 低剂量阿司匹林——这可能是为了降低血栓的风险.
  • Medications – Drugs including hydroxyurea, Ruxolitinib和federatinib可用于降低出血或凝血并发症的风险, and decrease the occurrence of an enlarged spleen.
  • 新疗法-研究人员正在开发和测试潜在的MF新疗法. 这包括抑制JAK2细胞信号通路的药物, 治疗贫血的药物和改变基因组织方式的药物,使它们更容易或更少地被使用.
  • 输血——这增加了血液循环中正常细胞的数量.
  • ▽骨髓移植/干细胞移植=骨髓移植是治疗MF的唯一方法. 它给推荐十大正规网赌平台提供健康的干细胞——未成熟的细胞,可以生长到血液的不同部位. The cells are taken from the marrow (the soft, fatty tissue inside bones), replacing the diseased bone marrow. Most patients receive high doses of chemotherapy, radiation, 或者在移植前杀死任何残留的癌细胞,为新的干细胞生长腾出空间. 然后将干细胞通过一根管子注入血液. 它们找到进入骨髓的途径,开始繁殖,制造健康的新血细胞.
  • Chemotherapy – Because MPNs can progress to acute leukemia, patients often are treated with regimens used in that disease. 化疗减少了异常干细胞的数量,并允许健康干细胞重新生长.
  • Other therapies may be used to treat specific symptoms of MF. This includes radiation therapy for enlargement of the spleen.

MPN Experts

患者在该中心的多学科诊所就诊 Bone Marrow Failures, 在哪里,疑难病例的患者由一组专家讨论,共同制定短期和长期目标的整体最佳治疗计划. MDS patients are frequently enrolled in ongoing clinical trials. 对传统化疗无效的侵袭性MDS患者有机会使用正在临床试验中测试的创新白血病治疗方案. 一些患者可能有资格接受有治愈潜力的干细胞移植, 即使他们通常不会在移植名单上,因为他们的年龄或缺乏供体. Our experts include:

  • Alex Ambinder, MD MPH

    • Assistant Professor of Oncology

    Primary Location: Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD

  • Evan Mark Braunstein, MD PhD

    • Assistant Professor of Medicine

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Amy DeZern, MD MHS

    • Director, Bone Marrow Failure and MDS Program
    • Professor of Oncology

    Primary Location: Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD

  • Khaled Mahmoud El-Shami, MBCHB MS PhD

    • Assistant Professor of Oncology

    Primary Location: Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC

  • Ivana Gojo, MD

    • Co-Director, Leukemia Drug Development Program
    • Professor of Oncology

    Primary Location: Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD

  • Tania Jain, MBBS

    • 约翰霍普金斯大学免疫效应细胞治疗项目主任
    • Associate Professor of Oncology

    Primary Location: Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD

  • Alison Rae Moliterno, MD

    • Associate Professor of Medicine

    Primary Location: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

  • Gabrielle T. Prince, MD

    Primary Location: Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD

  • Douglas Smith, MD

    • 血液学恶性肿瘤部门临床研究业务联合主任
    • Professor of Oncology

    Primary Location: Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD

  • Jonathan Webster, MD

    • Assistant Professor of Oncology

    Primary Location: Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD