
Scar Revision

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What is a scar?

疤痕是身体愈合和替换丢失或受损皮肤的自然方式. A scar is usually composed of fibrous tissue. Scars may be formed for many different reasons, including as a result of infections, surgery, injuries, or inflammation of tissue. Scars may appear anywhere on the body, 疤痕的组成可能各不相同——看起来是平坦的, lumpy, sunken, or colored. The scar may be painful or itchy. The final look of a scar depends on many factors, including the skin type and location on the body, the direction of the wound, the type of injury, age of the person with the scar, and his or her nutritional status.

What is a scar revision?

疤痕修复是对疤痕进行的手术,以改变疤痕的外观. 手术可以改善疤痕的外观, 恢复被疤痕限制的身体部分的功能, or improve an itchy scar. 重要的是要记住,伤疤不能完全消除.

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Keloid scars and scar tissue removal

These are thick, rounded, 在皮肤伤口处生长的不规则的疤痕组织簇, but beyond the edges of the borders of the wound. 与周围的正常皮肤相比,它们通常呈红色或颜色较深. 瘢痕疙瘩是由皮肤细胞和结缔组织(成纤维细胞)形成的,它们开始增殖以修复损伤. These scars may appear anywhere on the body, but more commonly on the face, neck, ears, chest, or shoulders. They occur more often in darker-skinned people. 瘢痕疙瘩可能会在最初的皮肤创伤一年后出现.

Treatment for keloid scars varies. There is no one simple cure for keloid scar removal. Recurrence after treatment is common. Treatment may include the following:

  • Steroid injections. 类固醇是直接注射到瘢痕疙瘩疤痕组织,以帮助减少瘙痒, redness, and burning sensations that these scars may produce. 有时,注射实际上有助于减少疤痕的大小.

  • Cryotherapy. 冷冻疗法是通过药物将疤痕“冷冻”起来. 这种治疗通常与类固醇注射一起对瘢痕疙瘩有效.

  • Pressure therapy. 压力疗法包括在瘢痕疙瘩疤痕的区域上佩戴一种压力器具. 这些可以日夜佩戴长达4到6个月.

  • Surgery. 如果瘢痕疙瘩对非手术治疗没有反应,可以进行手术治疗. 一种手术是通过切口直接切除疤痕, and stitches are placed to help close the wound. 有时,皮肤移植被用来帮助闭合伤口. 这包括替换或将皮肤附着在缺失的皮肤上. 皮肤移植是通过从身体的另一个部位(称为供体部位)取一块健康的皮肤并将其附着在所需的部位来完成的.

  • Another option for keloid scar treatment is laser surgery. 疤痕可以用各种不同的激光治疗, depending on the underlying cause of the scar. 激光可用于平滑疤痕,去除疤痕的异常颜色,或使疤痕变平. 大多数瘢痕疙瘩的激光治疗是与其他治疗方法一起进行的, including injections of steroids, use of special dressings, and the use of bandages. 无论最初的治疗类型如何,可能需要多种治疗.

Radiation therapy


Hypertrophic scars

Hypertrophic scars are similar to keloid scars; however, 它们的生长被限制在原始皮肤缺陷的边界内. 这些疤痕也可能呈红色,通常较厚且隆起. 肥厚性疤痕通常在皮肤受伤后的几周内开始形成. 增生性疤痕可能会自然改善,尽管这个过程可能需要一年或更长时间.

In treating hypertrophic scars, 类固醇可能是治疗这种疤痕的第一线药物, although there is not one simple cure. 类固醇可注射或直接应用. These scars may also be removed surgically. Often, 类固醇注射与手术一起使用,可能在手术后持续2年,以帮助最大限度地愈合并减少疤痕复发的机会.


挛缩是一种异常现象,发生在大面积皮肤受损和丢失时, resulting in a scar. 疤痕的形成将皮肤边缘拉到一起,造成皮肤紧绷的区域. This can also occur as scars heal. 皮肤尺寸的减小会影响肌肉, joints, and tendons, causing a decrease in movement. 挛缩有许多不同的手术治疗方案. Some of which may include the following:

  • Skin graft or skin flap for contractures. 皮肤移植或皮瓣是在疤痕组织被移除后进行的. 皮肤移植包括替换或将皮肤附着到身体缺失皮肤的部分. 皮肤移植是通过从身体的另一个部位(称为供体部位)取一块健康的皮肤并将其附着到所需的部位来进行的. Skin flaps are similar to skin grafts, 从另一个部位取下一部分皮肤, but with the skin flaps, the skin that is retrieved has its own blood supply. 所使用的皮肤部分包括下面的血管、脂肪和肌肉. 当失去皮肤的区域由于位置或血管受损而没有良好的血液供应时,可以使用皮瓣.

  • Tissue expansion for contractures. 组织扩张是一种用于疤痕治疗的新技术, 并涉及到一个过程,以增加现有组织的数量,可用于重建目的. 这种方法常用于皮瓣手术之外.

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