doctor holds anatomical model of adrenal gland
doctor holds anatomical model of adrenal gland
doctor holds anatomical model of adrenal gland


肾上腺切除术是一种切除癌变或分泌过多激素的肾上腺的外科手术. 肾上腺切除术通常通过小切口(微创)进行,尽管它也可以作为开放手术进行.

Adrenal Gland Removal

手术切除肾上腺有几种方法. 你和你的外科医生会讨论哪种手术最适合你.

Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

腹腔镜肾上腺切除术是一种微创手术,使用小切口和工具进入肾上腺. The surgery is performed through three to four small (0.5–1 centimeter incisions made in the abdomen. 望远镜和一些小仪器通过这些小切口插入腹部, 哪一种能让外科医生完全切除病变的肾上腺. 将肾上腺放在一个塑料袋中,通过其中一个切口完整地取出.


With this less invasive approach to adrenalectomy, 患者报告术后疼痛更少,恢复时间更快. When compared to conventional open surgery adrenalectomy, 腹腔镜肾上腺切除术术后疼痛明显减轻, a shorter hospital stays, earlier return to work and daily activities, 更有利的美容效果和结果与非癌性(良性)肿瘤的开放手术相同.

Recovery from Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

大多数患者从腹腔镜肾上腺切除术中恢复得很快. They often stay overnight in the hospital, 然后在家休养一到三周,直到身体完全恢复.

Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Adrenal Center


约翰霍普金斯大学的肾上腺外科医生是高水平的外科医生,也是复杂和常规肾上腺疾病的专家, 与该领域专家讨论病例时的第二意见成像和病理审查. 转介到约翰霍普金斯大学进行肾上腺切除术的患者通过 the Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Adrenal Center.

Posterior Retroperitoneoscopic Adrenalectomy (PRA)

这种类型的微创肾上腺切除术是通过背部而不是腹部进行的. 由于肾上腺和肾脏在腹部的后部——称为腹膜后——这种方法是直接的,不会碰到腹部的其他器官. 手术,相关的疼痛和恢复与腹腔镜肾上腺切除术相似.

Robotic Adrenalectomy

Robotic-assisted adrenalectomy, commonly referred to as robotic adrenalectomy, 是一种微创手术,在手术过程中,外科医生控制挂在机械臂上的小仪器.

Robotic surgery’s approach, 恢复和结果与微创腹腔镜肾上腺切除术相似.

Open Adrenalectomy

开放式肾上腺切除术是在腹部开一个切口的手术. Most adrenal cancers require this form of surgery, which requires a larger incision, 因为它们必须被完整地切除以防止疾病扩散到整个腹部.

Recovery from Open Adrenalectomy


Partial (Cortical-Sparing) Adrenalectomy

某些类型的肾上腺肿瘤可以在不切除整个肾上腺的情况下安全切除. 该方法可推荐用于双肾上腺肿瘤患者, like pheochromocytomas.

Bilateral Adrenalectomy

Some people need to have both adrenal glands removed. This is rare and may be a treatment for Cushing’s disease. If both adrenal glands are removed, 患者必须每天服用两次类固醇激素(典型的是氢化可的松和氟化可的松). In these cases, 虽然没有肾上腺的生活需要终生服药, many people feel better after adrenalectomy. Usually this surgery can be performed laparoscopically.

Reasons for an Adrenalectomy

You may need an adenectomy if you have been diagnosed with:

  • A functional adrenal tumor功能性肾上腺肿瘤引起肾上腺激素失衡. Removal of the tumor may restore normal adrenal function.
  • Large adrenal tumor切除肾上腺的其他原因是肾上腺肿瘤大于4至6厘米或已经增大. In general, 切除前不建议进行肾上腺活检, even in cases of suspected cancers. 肾上腺癌的两种主要类型是原发性肾上腺肿瘤(肾上腺皮质癌)和肾上腺转移(肿瘤从其他器官扩散)。.
  • Metastasis to the adrenal gland从其他部位开始的癌症可以扩散到肾上腺. 扩散到肾上腺的最常见的癌症类型是 melanoma, breast cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer and colorectal cancer. 如果需要,这些类型的癌症通常可以通过微创手术从肾上腺中切除. 是否进行手术的决定取决于原发癌症的状况.

Adrenocortical carcinoma: This rare, 肾上腺癌肿瘤生长迅速,可能与激素分泌异常有关. 如果怀疑这种类型的肿瘤,不应该进行活检. 在大多数情况下,如果肿瘤可以通过手术切除,则通过开放的切口进行手术.

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