

恐惧症是无法控制的, 非理性的, 以及对某物的持久恐惧, 情况, 或活动. This fear can be so overwhelming that a person may go to great lengths to avoid the source of this fear. 一种反应可能是惊恐发作. This is a sudden, intense fear that lasts for several minutes. 它发生在没有真正危险的情况下.


关于 19 million Americans have one or more phobias that range from mild to severe. 恐惧症可能发生在儿童早期. But they are often first seen between ages 15 and 20. 它们对男性和女性的影响是平等的. But men are more likely to seek treatment for phobias.


研究 suggests that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the start of phobias. Certain phobias have been linked to a very bad first encounter with the feared object or 情况. Mental health experts don’t know if this first encounter is necessary or if phobias can simply occur in people who are likely to have them.




特定的恐惧症 is an extreme fear of an object or 情况 that typically isn't harmful.


  • 飞行(担心飞机坠毁)
  • 狗(害怕狗咬或攻击)
  • 封闭的地方(害怕被困住)
  • 隧道(担心坍塌)
  • 高度(害怕坠落)

What are the characteristics of specific phobia?

People with specific phobia know that their fear is extreme. 但他们无法克服. The problem is diagnosed only when the specific fear interferes with daily activities of school, 工作, 或者家庭生活.

There is no known cause, although they seem to run in families. They are also found slightly more often in women. If the object of the fear is easy to avoid, people with phobias may not seek treatment. 有时, 然而, they may make important career or personal decisions to avoid a 情况 that includes the source of the phobia.


When phobias interfere with a person's life, treatment can help. For specific phobias, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with exposure treatment is advised. 暴露疗法, people are gradually exposed to what frightens them until the fear starts to fade. Relaxation and breathing exercises also help to ease symptoms.



社交恐惧症 is an anxiety disorder in which a person has significant anxiety and discomfort related to a fear of being embarrassed, 羞辱, or scorned by others in social or performance 情况s. Even when they manage to confront this fear, people with social phobia usually:

  • 在活动或郊游前感到非常焦虑
  • Feel intensely uncomfortable throughout the event or outing
  • Have lingering unpleasant feelings after the event or outing

社交恐惧症 often happens with the following:

  • 公众演讲
  • 与人见面
  • 与权威人士打交道
  • 在公共场合吃东西
  • 使用公厕

What are the characteristics of social phobia?

Although this disorder is often thought of as shyness, they are not the same. 害羞的人在别人面前会很不自在, but they don't have the extreme anxiety in anticipating a social 情况. Also, they don't necessarily avoid circumstances that make them feel self-conscious. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, people with social phobia are not necessarily shy at all, but can be completely at ease with some people most of the time.

Most people with social phobia will try to avoid 情况s that cause distress.


社交恐惧症 is diagnosed when the fear or avoidance significantly interferes with normal, 例程, 或者是过度的沮丧.

社交恐惧症 disrupts normal life, interfering with career or social relationships. It often runs in families and may be happen along with depression or alcoholism. 社交恐惧症 often starts in early adolescence or even younger. 


People with social phobia often find relief when treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy, 医学, 或者两者兼而有之.



广场恐怖症 involves the fear of having a panic attack in a place or 情况 from which escape may be hard or embarrassing.

The anxiety of agoraphobia is so severe that panic attacks are not unusual. People with agoraphobia often try to avoid the location or cause of their fear. 广场恐怖症 involves fear of 情况s like the following:

  • 独自在家门外
  • 独自在家
  • 在人群中
  • 乘坐交通工具旅行
  • 在电梯里或桥上

People with agoraphobia typically avoid crowded places like streets, 拥挤的商店, 教堂, 和剧院.


Most people with agoraphobia get it after first suffering a series of panic attacks. The attacks happen randomly and without warning, and make it impossible for a person to predict what will trigger the reaction. This unpredictability of the panic causes the person to anticipate future panic attacks and, 最终, fear any 情况 in which an attack may happen. As a result, they avoid going into any place or 情况 where previous panic attacks have happened.

People with the disorder often become so disabled that they literally feel they cannot leave their homes. 其他有广场恐惧症的人, 是否会进入潜在的“恐惧”情境, 但只有巨大的痛苦, or when accompanied by a trusted friend or family member.

People with agoraphobia may also have depression, 乏力, 张力, 酗酒或吸毒问题, 还有强迫症, 治疗至关重要. 

