Tracheal Stenosis: John's Story

复杂气道诊所团队由Alexander Hillel, M.D., David Feller-Kopman, M.D., and Richard Battafarano, M.D., Ph.D.
复杂气道诊所团队由Alexander Hillel, M.D., David Feller-Kopman, M.D., and Richard Battafarano, M.D., Ph.D.

“My wife and I use it as a little vacation,” John smiles, referring to his trips to The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

A patient of otolaryngologist Alexander Hillel, M.D.约翰已经七次从他位于西弗吉尼亚州彼得敦的家前往巴尔的摩. 但对约翰来说,巴尔的摩不仅仅是一个临时的度假胜地——这是他第一次呼吸的地方. 

Longing for a Dream

Before coming to Johns Hopkins, John wasn’t sleeping well. When he did eventually fall asleep, his wife and children would watch him, counting the seconds between each breath he took — 35, 36, 37, 38. 一阵喘息和窒息的声音打断了他的喘息,这使约翰的家人感到惊慌,也扰乱了他的睡眠.

“I didn’t dream for 10 years,” John says.

Struggling to breathe had been a longtime issue for John. He says that the day he was born, 他的母亲从来没有听到过宣告孩子健康的第一声安慰的哭声.

That’s because at birth, John suffered a collapsed trachea. Unable to find a trach tube to fit the newborn, 医院的工作人员抓住了他们唯一能找到的东西——一根为成年人准备的气管管. 插入超大的管子挽救了婴儿的生命,但破坏了他的部分声带. 这场灾难让现年48岁的约翰留下了他标志性的沙哑嗓音.

More Signs of Trouble

尽管出生时受到了创伤,约翰还是完全康复了,并成为了一名积极的跑步者. 他经常和他的邻居一起跑步,并会惊讶于他的朋友能够跟上节奏并继续交谈. 约翰总是喘不上气来作出回应.

A few years ago, when John required surgery to repair an orthopaedic injury, the surgical team was preparing to intubate John, who was already under anesthesia. 由于他的气道太窄,团队无法放置导管,别无选择,只能放弃手术. Through this attempted surgery, 约翰的医生发现他的气道只有正常的15%, and he was formally diagnosis with tracheal stenosis.

A ‘Nightmare’ — and a Turning Point

约翰在当地一家医疗机构接受了几个月的治疗, an ordeal he describes as a “nightmare.由于无法解决他的问题,他开始寻找可以帮助他呼吸的医生. 约翰从一位家庭成员那里得到了约翰霍普金斯大学的推荐. His doctor connected him with Richard Battafarano, M.D., Ph.D.约翰和他的妻子开了6个半小时的车来到巴尔的摩.

During the evaluation, 巴特法拉诺意识到约翰的情况需要耳鼻喉科专家亚历山大·希勒尔的见解, M.D., who specializes in airway disorders like John’s. Noting the long trip that the couple had just made, 希勒尔重新安排了行程,第二天就给约翰安排了一次约会. “我们的首要任务是尽快让推荐十大正规网赌平台进来, 约翰呼吸困难,又走了很远的路,这一切都显得更加紧迫,”  says Hillel.

Trying to Enlarge the Airway

希勒尔给约翰做了检查,发现在约翰刚出生时放置气管管的地方周围有一个复杂的疤痕组织网. Over time, the scar tissue had grown thick, 开始收缩——就像疤痕组织经常做的那样——并收缩了他的气管, inhibiting his ability to breathe.

由于创伤发生在出生时,约翰从不知道他的呼吸是不寻常的. His restricted airway was all he’d ever known.

希勒尔和约翰选择首先尝试一种被称为喉球囊成形术的手术, 其中导管末端的球囊扩张以拉伸气道. 不幸的是,疤痕组织太密,无法伸展和打开他的气道.

为了帮助约翰呼吸,需要进行更密集的手术,即环气管切除术. 这个过程将包括手术切除疤痕组织,并将他气管的两个健康部分连接起来, giving John the proper airflow he’d never known.

Major Surgery, Major Relief

约翰接受了由Hillel和Battafarano进行的环气管切除手术. 手术需要在约翰霍普金斯医院哈里和珍妮特温伯格大楼住院一周. 他的脖子稳定下来,下巴靠在胸前,以保护正在愈合的气道.  


在他住院期间,希勒尔的一名外科医生每天都要来看望约翰一小时. He also received a daily visit from the pharmacist. “这是一次突破——没有疼痛,我也不疼,”约翰说.


That same week, the Baltimore Orioles were in the playoffs. 约翰喜欢看棒球比赛,和满院的家乡球迷一起为球队加油. “整个医院都在看电视上的比赛,”约翰回忆说. 他还记得在走廊里回荡的欢呼声,就像神经纤维发出的信号. Let’s go O’s! Let’s go O’s!

After seven days in the hospital, John was discharged. It was a Sunday, so he was happily surprised to see Hillel, 在约翰回家之前专门来看他的人.

A Breath of Fresh Life

Now recovered, John is amazed by the things he can do. 他可以跑更远的距离,也不再需要屏住呼吸. Instead, he only stops when his legs get tired. 他的鼾声消失了,他的家人不再在晚上坐着计算呼吸之间的时间.

“My hair and nails grow like crazy!约翰说,他描述了一个出乎意料但令人欢迎的手术结果.

如今,约翰已经能够照顾他的四个孩子了,他们的年龄从8岁到20岁不等. The wonderful care from Hillel, 巴塔法拉诺和护理团队让他为自己唯一的女儿感到特别自豪, who is pursuing a nursing degree. 约翰相信,总有一天,她会把他在约翰霍普金斯大学所经历的熟练而富有同情心的护理回报给别人. 

Learn more about laryngotracheal stenosis. 

Johns Hopkins Laryngology

grandfather and granddaughter singing

约翰霍普金斯的喉科医生提供最先进的声音护理, swallowing and airway disorders to help you feel your best.