Inguinal Hernia

腹股沟疝是发生在腹股沟区域的隆起 腹部下半部分和大腿之间的区域. Inguinal 疝气的发生是由于下肢肌肉的衰弱 abdomen.

下腹部有三层保护肠道. The first is a thin membrane called the peritoneum. The second is made up of the 腹部肌肉,第三是你的皮肤.

当你的肠子和腹膜相互挤压时,腹股沟疝就形成了 穿过肌肉,在你的皮肤下看起来像一个凸起. Inguinal 疝气是很危险的,因为它们会不断变大,你的 肠道会被困在鼓包里,失去血液供应. 这被称为绞窄性腹股沟疝,手术可能是 needed to correct the problem.

Facts about inguinal hernia

腹股沟疝可发生在身体的一侧或两侧 much more common in men than women. An inguinal hernia can appear at any age. 婴儿可能天生就有一个,直到他们 become adults. 大约每100个孩子中就有5个天生患有这种疾病 condition.

随着时间的推移,如果你增加压力,腹股沟疝也会发展 在你的腹肌壁上通过一些活动,比如 吃力地上厕所,长时间咳嗽,被 overweight, or lifting heavy weights. If you have a family history of 腹股沟疝,你可能有更高的风险. Infants born 在预产期前分娩的风险也更高.

Types of inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernias come in two types:

  • Indirect inguinal hernia. 这是最常见的类型,也是一种你可能 be born with. 虽然它可以发生在男性和女性,它是 much more common in men. This is because the male testicle 从腹部开始,通过一个开口向下 在腹股沟区域到达阴囊(囊容纳 testicles). 如果这个开口在出生时没有闭合,就会出现疝气 develops. In women, this type of hernia can occur if 生殖器官或小肠滑入 腹股沟区域,因为腹肌无力.

  • Direct inguinal hernia. 这种疝气是由你的腹部虚弱引起的 随着时间的推移,肌肉更容易出现在成年人身上. Direct inguinal hernias occur only in men.


主要症状是腹股沟区域明显隆起. In men, an 腹股沟疝可向下延伸至阴囊,引起腹股沟肿大 scrotum. 小疝气可以通过开口前后滑动 the abdomen and not cause any symptoms. Larger hernias may be massaged back into the abdomen. 疝气的症状反复出现 include:

  • 一种当你用力时增大并消失的鼓包 when you lie down

  • 运动时腹股沟或阴囊突然疼痛 straining

  • 感到虚弱、压力、灼烧或疼痛 groin or scrotum

不能移回腹部的腹股沟疝被称为 an incarcerated hernia. 这是一个危险的情况,因为部分 疝气里的肠子会被绞窄,这是 medical emergency. 绞窄性腹股沟疝的症状包括:

  • Severe pain and redness

  • Pain that keeps getting worse

  • Fever

  • Rapid heart rate

  • Nausea and vomiting


腹股沟疝最常通过病史诊断 physical examination. 你的医生会问你有关疝气的问题 symptoms. 在检查时,他或她会寻找并摸一下鼓包 in your groin or scrotal area. You may be asked to stand and cough to make the hernia appear. 腹股沟疝可能只在儿童中可见 or felt when the child cries.

Inguinal Hernias in Children | Q&A with Dr. Clint Cappiello


修补腹股沟疝的方法通常是手术 procedure. 对于没有症状的成人小疝气, treatment may only be to watch it. Adults with symptoms and most 儿童通常通过手术来预防可能的并发症 strangulated hernia in the future. An incarcerated or strangulated hernia may need emergency surgery.


  • Open repair. 在腹股沟区域的皮肤上做一个切口. The 外科医生将疝移回腹部并闭合 abdominal wall with stitches. 补片放置可用于加强闭合并减少疝复发的风险.   

  • Laparoscopy or robotic-assisted repair. 这种类型的手术使用一些小切口和薄 scope with a tiny camera. The surgeon works through the scope 为了修复疝气,有时通过控制机械臂进行操作. Mesh is typically used for these repairs. 与开放式修复相比,这些微创入路的恢复时间更短,疼痛也不那么严重.


你没有办法预防腹股沟斜疝 type you are born with. 随着时间的推移而发生的直接疝可能是 prevented with these precautions:

  • Learn how to lift heavy objects properly.

  • 避免便秘,必要时治疗便秘以防止紧张 when having a bowel movement.

  • Get treatment for any persistent cough.

  • 如果你是一个前列腺肥大的男人,你想 pass urine, get treated.

  • 如果你超重,减掉多余的体重.

Managing inguinal hernia

如果你做过腹股沟疝的手术,遵循手术是很重要的 听从医生的指示,遵守后续预约. 下床散步是康复的重要组成部分 helps prevent complications. You can help to keep an inguinal hernia 手术后要避免举重和其他 strenuous activity. 询问你的医生哪些活动是安全的 and when you can return to work.

如果你有一个正在接受治疗的小疝气或一个已经修复的疝气, take steps to avoid becoming constipated. Eat lots of fiber, drink 多喝水,多运动,感觉舒服的时候就去洗手间 urge.

如果你的腹股沟疝症状恶化,请打电话给你的医生 call right away if:

  • 你的肚子胀得很痛,不能再往里挤了.

  • 疼痛、肿胀或发红加剧.

  • 你有恶心、发烧、呕吐和疝气疼痛.

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