

食道癌发生于食道, 哪根管子连接喉咙和胃. Tumors arise in the mucosa, which is the inner lining of the esophagus.

There are two types of esophageal cancer, each with different risk factors:


Cancers that start in gland cells at the bottom of the esophagus are called adenocarcinomas. 这种类型的癌症是最常见的食道癌. 它通常发生在靠近胃的地方. 慢性胃酸反流, 胃食管反流病(GERD), 巴雷特食管 and chronic heartburn can increase your risk of developing adenocarcinoma esophageal cancer.


This type of esophageal cancer arises from squamous cells that are primarily in the upper esophagus. Squamous cell tumors are associated with heavy alcohol consumption, smoking and organ transplants.



  • 吸烟
  • 大量饮酒
  • 慢性胃灼热或胃酸倒流
  • 胃食管反流病(GERD)
  • 巴雷特食管这种情况有时会发生在胃反流患者身上
  • 失弛缓性这是一种罕见的下食道肌肉紊乱


Most esophageal cancer symptoms aren’t noticeable until the cancer is in an advanced stage when it may be hard to treat. Symptoms of esophageal cancer may be caused by other, more common conditions. It is important to receive an accurate diagnosis from a physician if you suspect you may be at risk.


食管癌最常见的症状是吞咽困难, 尤其是有食物卡在胸口的感觉. 有些推荐十大正规网赌平台还会因食物窒息. 这些症状会随着时间的推移而逐渐恶化, 吞咽时疼痛加剧, 你的食道因为癌细胞的增长而变窄.

If you have recently changed your eating habits to avoid trouble swallowing—such as taking smaller bites, eating softer food or avoiding solid food entirely—you may benefit from a screening evaluation with your doctor.


If you suffer from chronic heartburn or 胃食管反流病(GERD), you’re already familiar with a pain that feels like burning in the middle of your chest. That painful sensation may become more noticeable when esophageal cancer develops. Esophageal cancer may also cause chest pain a few seconds after swallowing, 当食物或液体到达食道肿瘤部位时.


Roughly 50 percent of people with esophageal cancer experience unexplained weight loss. This can be due to eating less due to swallowing problems or a decreased appetite due to the cancer.


声音嘶哑, scratchy voice or a cough that doesn’t go away can also indicate the presence of esophageal cancer.


Esophageal cancer is often not diagnosed until it reaches advanced stages, so accuracy in the diagnosis and staging process is especially crucial for the best possible outcome. A gastroenterologist (a doctor who specializes in diseases of the digestive system) may be the first provider to recognize the signs of esophageal cancer. 如果你有任何食道癌的症状, 当癌症可以治愈时,尽早寻求治疗是很重要的.

有几种类型的检查可以诊断食管癌. 最常见的测试是:

  • 内镜活检有时称为an 食道、胃、十二指肠镜检查 or EGD, this is the most common test a doctor will perform to test for esophageal cancer. A doctor uses an endoscope (a flexible tube with an attached camera that allows your doctor to see inside your body) to take tissue samples from abnormal areas (this is also called a biopsy).
  • 超声内镜: If your biopsy results reveal cancer, you doctor may order an endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). This is one of the most accurate imaging procedures for detecting esophageal cancer. EUS结合了两种检查食道的方法:
    • 内窥镜检查, during which your doctor inserts a thin, lighted tube into your body
    • 超声波该系统利用高频声波获取详细图像
  • PET扫描: A PET扫描, 或者正电子发射断层扫描, technology is used to determine if the cancer has spread to areas beyond the esophagus. A PET扫描 uses radioactive dye to highlight parts of your body during scanning, 所以医生可以看到潜在的癌变区域进行治疗.


  • 吞钡: A 吞钡, 也叫食道造影, is an X-ray procedure in which you drink a barium-based solution while a doctor watches how it passes through your esophagus.
  • 视频透视吞咽检查这个测试,也被称为VFSE,类似于钡餐. A doctor records a digital movie of your esophagus while you swallow. 了解更多关于 透视.
  • 内窥镜共聚焦显微术: This technology uses laser technology to provide immediate results without a biopsy or pathology.
  • CT扫描: A CT扫描, or computed tomography scan, is an imaging test that’s commonly used after cancer is diagnosed. It allows doctors to see how locally advanced the tumor is or whether it has spread beyond the esophagus.


Treatment for esophageal cancer is individualized to each patient’s unique needs. 治疗方案包括:

  • 放射治疗: The use of X-rays, gamma rays and charged particles to fight cancer
  • 化疗使用抗癌药物治疗癌细胞
  • Surgery: The use of an operation to remove the cancerous tissue from the body


Most treatment plans for esophageal cancer involve a combined approach, 什么时候你会受到混合辐射, 化疗或手术治疗, 而不是只有一种治疗方法.

  • Neoadjuvant therapy is a combination of therapy (usually radiation and chemotherapy) that aims to shrink tumors and prevent their reoccurrence before surgery.
  • Treating with chemotherapy and radiation together halts the spread of microscopic tumors that have developed beyond the original tumor site.
  • 研究 also shows patients recover more quickly from radiation and chemotherapy when they are performed before surgery rather than after.

When developing the most effective treatment plan for your unique case, 你的医生会考虑很多因素,包括:

  • 癌症被发现时所处的阶段
  • 你的整体健康和营养水平
  • 肿瘤部位的位置
  • 您的个人喜好不同的治疗方案


The most effective ways to prevent esophageal cancer involve choices that are good for your overall health:

  • 避免吸烟和饮酒
  • 健康饮食
  • 保持健康的体重
  • 寻求治疗反流和胃灼热
