Woman checking her glucose
Woman checking her glucose
Woman checking her glucose

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

What is gestational diabetes mellitus?

妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)是一种由胎盘产生的激素阻止身体有效使用胰岛素的情况. 葡萄糖在血液中积累而不是被细胞吸收.

Unlike type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes is not caused by a lack of insulin, 但怀孕期间产生的其他激素会降低胰岛素的效果, a condition referred to as insulin resistance. 妊娠期糖尿病症状在分娩后消失.


What causes gestational diabetes mellitus?


胎盘为生长中的胎儿提供营养和水分, 并产生多种激素来维持妊娠. Some of these hormones (estrogen, cortisol, 人类胎盘的乳原对胰岛素有阻断作用. 这被称为抗胰岛素效应,通常在怀孕20到24周左右开始.

As the placenta grows, more of these hormones are produced, and the risk of insulin resistance becomes greater. Normally, 胰腺能够制造额外的胰岛素来克服胰岛素抵抗, 但是当胰岛素的产生不足以克服胎盘激素的作用时, gestational diabetes results.


Although any woman can develop GDM during pregnancy, 一些可能增加风险的因素包括:

  • Overweight or obesity

  • Family history of diabetes

  • 曾经生育过体重超过9磅的婴儿的

  • 年龄(25岁以上的女性比年轻女性患妊娠糖尿病的风险更大)

  • Race (women who are African-American, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic or Latino, or Pacific Islander have a higher risk)

  • Prediabetes, also known as impaired glucose tolerance

尽管尿中葡萄糖升高经常被列入危险因素清单, it is not believed to be a reliable indicator for GDM.

How is gestational diabetes mellitus diagnosed?

美国糖尿病协会建议在有糖尿病危险因素的妇女第一次产前检查时筛查未确诊的2型糖尿病. In pregnant women not known to have diabetes, 妊娠24 ~ 28周应进行GDM检测.

In addition, 诊断为GDM的妇女应在产后6至12周进行持续性糖尿病筛查. 同时建议有GDM病史的女性至少每三年进行一次糖尿病或前驱糖尿病筛查.

What is the treatment for gestational diabetes mellitus?


  • Your age, overall health, and medical history

  • Extent of the disease

  • 你对特定药物、程序或疗法的耐受性

  • Expectations for the course of the disease

  • Your opinion or preference

妊娠期糖尿病的治疗重点是保持血糖水平在正常范围内. Treatment may include:

  • Special diet

  • Exercise

  • Daily blood glucose monitoring

  • Insulin injections

Possible complications for the baby

与1型糖尿病不同,妊娠期糖尿病通常发生得太晚,不会导致出生缺陷. 出生缺陷通常发生在怀孕的前三个月(第13周之前). 由胎盘产生的反胰岛素激素引起的胰岛素抵抗通常要到第24周左右才会发生. 患有妊娠期糖尿病的妇女通常在关键的前三个月血糖水平正常.

GDM的并发症通常是可控和可预防的. 预防的关键是一旦诊断出糖尿病,就要仔细控制血糖水平.

患有妊娠期糖尿病的母亲所生的婴儿容易受到几种化学物质失衡的影响, 比如低血钙和低血镁, but, in general, 妊娠期糖尿病主要有两大问题:巨大儿和低血糖。

  • Macrosomia. 巨大儿指的是比正常婴儿大得多的婴儿. 胎儿接受的所有营养都直接来自母亲的血液. If the maternal blood has too much glucose, 胎儿的胰腺感知到高葡萄糖水平,并产生更多的胰岛素,试图利用这些葡萄糖. The fetus converts the extra glucose to fat. 即使母亲患有妊娠期糖尿病,胎儿也能产生所需的所有胰岛素. 母亲体内的高血糖水平和胎儿体内的高胰岛素水平结合在一起,导致大量脂肪沉积,从而导致胎儿长得过大.

  • Hypoglycemia. 低血糖是指婴儿在分娩后立即出现低血糖. 如果母亲的血糖水平一直很高,就会出现这个问题, 导致胎儿血液循环中的胰岛素水平过高. After delivery, the baby continues to have a high insulin level, 但它不再像母亲那样含有高水平的糖, 导致新生儿的血糖水平变得非常低. The baby's blood sugar level is checked after birth, and if the level is too low, 可能需要给婴儿静脉注射葡萄糖.

Blood glucose is monitored very closely during labor. 可以给胰岛素使母亲的血糖保持在正常范围内,以防止分娩后婴儿的血糖过度下降.

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