A young man looks thoughtfully into the distance.
A young man looks thoughtfully into the distance.
A young man looks thoughtfully into the distance.

Colon Cancer Treatment

If you have colon cancer, your treatment team will include medical oncologists, surgeons and radiation oncologists. 这些专家将共同为你的病情制定最佳的治疗方案.

结肠癌的治疗将取决于发现癌症的时间. 有时,你的医生可以在结肠镜检查期间切除息肉,不需要进一步治疗. Other times, you may need surgery and/or chemotherapy.

Colon Cancer Treatment Strategies by Stage

确定疾病的阶段(程度)是设计最佳治疗方案的重要步骤, most effective treatment regimen. 该阶段将有助于确定何时以及如何使用各种治疗方法.

Early Stage Disease

大约39%的结肠癌患者有局部病变, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The most common treatment for early stage colon cancer is surgery. 一些早期疾病的患者也可能在手术后接受化疗. 对于局部结肠癌患者,5年生存率为90%.

Late Stage Disease

当结肠癌转移(扩散)时,它通常出现在肝脏. It may also spread to the lungs, brain, 腹膜(腹腔内壁)和/或远处淋巴结. 对于这种晚期疾病的患者,5年生存率为14%. (结肠癌扩散到周围组织、器官和/或局部淋巴结的患者,5年生存率约为71%.)

如果结肠癌已经扩散到附近的淋巴结,但没有扩散到身体的其他部位, surgery may be used followed by chemotherapy. When the disease has spread to distant sites, chemotherapy may be used as the primary treatment, especially if surgery is unlikely to cure the cancer. 如果疾病以少量远处肿瘤的形式扩散, 手术可以用来帮助治愈疾病或延长推荐十大正规网赌平台的寿命.

晚期胃肠癌的其他治疗方案可能包括 细胞减少(减体积)手术和腹腔热化疗(HIPEC). 该手术已被证明是某些腹膜表面恶性肿瘤和其他胃肠道癌症的有效治疗选择.

正在开发创新疗法,为晚期疾病患者提供更多选择. 一些患者可能会参加临床试验来尝试这些新疗法.

Treatment Options

具体的治疗方案取决于癌症的确切位置和发现的时间. Treatment for colon cancer includes:

Endoscopic Treatment

Often, polyps are safely removed during a colonoscopy. 一些非常大的息肉可以由经过特殊训练的胃肠病学家,即治疗性内窥镜医生,不用手术就可以切除. If the polyps were large, 在结肠镜检查时,你的医生可能已经用一种特殊的墨水标记了息肉切除(息肉切除)部位. 标记该区域有助于随后的结肠镜检查.

In general, 患有小息肉的患者不会增加患结肠癌的风险,应遵循定期筛查指南. For patients with larger polyps or with more than three polyps, follow-up colonoscopies should be performed more frequently. Consult your doctor about your recommended screening schedule..


The treatment of choice for colon cancer is surgical resection, which involves removing the cancer through surgery. 手术是为了完全切除肿瘤,重建肠道, if possible, so your postoperative bowel function is normal or near normal.

Factors that Impact Surgical Technique


  • The location of the tumor

  • The presence of other cancers or polyps

  • The stage of the cancer

  • The risk of developing colon cancer in the future

  • Your preferences

During the resection, 外科医生切除结肠中含有癌细胞的部分以及周围一小部分正常组织. The surgeon may also remove lymph nodes and check them for cancer. 如果肿瘤在手术中被完全切除并确认为早期疾病, no further treatment is needed. 如果在周围组织或淋巴结中发现癌细胞, 你的医生可能会推荐辅助化疗(意思是“除了”).

Surveillance Following Surgery

结肠癌手术后,警惕监测是后续护理的关键部分. 有复发的风险,特别是如果癌症累及淋巴结. 手术后,你的医生会在以下时间见你:

  • At three- to six-month intervals for three years

  • After that, every six to 12 months for five years

Colonoscopies are also important. 结肠癌手术一年后,你将进行结肠镜检查. Then, 在第一次结肠镜检查后,您将每隔一到三年进行一次结肠镜检查,以检查是否有新的息肉或癌症.

Routine evaluation, 身体检查和血液检查对你的术后评估很重要,也是监测复发性疾病的最好方法.


化疗药物穿过血液,摧毁可能已经脱离原肿瘤并可能在身体其他部位重新生长的肿瘤细胞. They may be administered orally or intravenously.

化疗可用于结肠癌治疗的各个阶段. 有时,化疗在手术前进行,以缩小肿瘤和缩小手术范围. This is called neoadjuvant therapy. 在更晚期的癌症中,你可能需要在手术后进行一个疗程的化疗. 这种类型的化疗通常在门诊进行.

手术后也可以使用放化疗(化疗与放射治疗相结合). 对一些推荐十大正规网赌平台来说,化疗可以使放疗在结肠癌治疗中更有效. (Radiation therapy is not commonly used for colon cancer treatment.)


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