
The following information about 约翰霍普金斯医学院 is intended to assist corporations seeking to do business with The Johns Hopkins University and The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System.

业务发展 & 战略联盟


在我们这个时代,光有卓越的临床表现是不够的. 医疗服务必须广泛普及, cost effective and integrated from the community-based provider to the most advanced microsurgery suite. 它必须灵活,并对雇主的新成本和服务标准作出反应, HMOs and, most of all, 推荐十大正规网赌平台及其家属.

约翰霍普金斯医学院正在迎接新时代的挑战, developing an integrated delivery system with a growing network of faculty and community practitioners, allied hospitals, 新的和更广泛的设施, 以及新的护理模式.

从最少参与管理医疗合同的职位开始, 霍普金斯已经成为每个主要HMO的首选供应商.

多年来一直被认为是全国最好的医院, 霍普金斯大学也是公认的最具成本效益的学术医疗中心之一. New techniques and capabilities that reduce costs and improve patient outcomes are being pioneered by Hopkins physicians and staff every day.

Find out how your business can benefit from Johns Hopkins employee health programs to reduce your health care costs and increase productivity while – most importantly – improving your employees' health and well-being.


创新医疗保健解决方案的领导者, 约翰霍普金斯健康计划致力于其240名员工的健康和福祉,000名会员和照顾他们的提供者. 约翰霍普金斯健康计划 was created in 1995 as a partnership between the Johns Hopkins Health System and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to develop and administer contractual health care relationships with managed care organizations, 政府项目, 雇主和医疗保健提供者. 作为这些合作伙伴的忠实拥护者, 约翰霍普金斯健康计划提供广泛的服务和支持, including:

  • 资格数据库管理
  • Member-physician服务
  • 声称审判
  • 患者外展计划
  • 决策支持矩阵
  • 以客户为中心的产品开发
  • 医师/机构网络开发和管理

约翰霍普金斯健康计划 also boasts a unique care management program to provide support for members with chronic conditions.




It is the mission of 约翰霍普金斯房地产公司 to assist Johns Hopkins faculty and staff to lease space or to have space built, 通常通过第三方房东或开发商, and to support and facilitate the delivery of Johns Hopkins education and healthcare missions in a manner consistent with the interests and objectives of The Johns Hopkins Health System and The Johns Hopkins University.


Services offered:

  • Outsource development (public/private partnerships) creating off-balance sheet transactions to minimize use of debt capacity and Hopkins equity
  • 外包那些在当地市场更有效的工作
  • Attract and retain real estate professionals with private sector and institutional experience whose market expertise will facilitate Hopkins objectives


  • 教学教室空间
  • 研究空间包括湿实验室,用于资助的干实验室
  • 行政服务办公空间
  • 流动保健服务
  • 学生/教师住房
  • 酒店,零售,餐馆


Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone 443.997.3737
Fax 443.997.3773

Email [email protected]